Jul 12, 2019 19:58

When I get a little miffed that reading through my friends list and RSS feed takes me about 10 minutes these days, I have to stop and remember that I am part of the problem. It's July 12 and I've posted only twice this month so far. This post, if it makes it up, will be third. Granted, it's summer and and the weekend now, and everything slows down when it gets hot out, but really, that's no excuse. If you want to read what's out there, maybe you should be setting an example and encouraging others by writing something yourself! I'm not yelling at you; I'm talking to myself (as evidenced by the minimal amount of comments my blog posts receive, but that's another topic for another day, eh?) Heh.

Nobody said what you write has to be good.

Nobody said you have to write every day without fail.

Nobody even said that you have to write at all.

But if you do, you will be honing a worthwhile talent, exercising your brain, encouraging others to do the same (maybe) and promoting your point of view, as well as sharing your memories and anecdotes and stories. What other things do you do to exercise your brain?

I mostly read, and I play word games. Writing here is far more valuable for me, even when what I write about is banal, or subjective, or repetitive, though I try to avoid being all those things.

Like many of my fellow bloggers, I miss the heyday of blogging, when it seemed like everyone and their dog had a blog. But even if many people have hung up their keyboards, there is still a lot of writing going on out there...you just have to look a little harder. And sometimes, be a little patient (not easy for me, who was born sans patience altogether). To me, it seems that most blogs nowadays are topical...they're 1-subject silos. There aren't so many general-purpose personal blogs anymore. I think, for most people, it was a hobby that they took up when it was trendy, just like you take up knitting or kayaking or cupcake-baking...you do it for awhile, then you tire of it, and you move on to something new.

Humans are notorious for trying things, hyping them like crazy, then tiring of them and looking for the next new thing. It's why marketing works so well. It's why we're all hearing about jackfruit and maple water these days and are secretly wondering what happened to acai and kale. Heck, I think the tendency explains a great deal about why America currently has the President it does.

See? It works! I had no plans to write a post today at all. And here it is! #3 for July 2019! Woo hoo, go me!

Actually, it's all part of my master plan to force myself to stay awake until it's actually bedtime. Other strategies include not sitting down when I get home, putting laundry in immediately, watering outside as soon as the sofa starts to look inviting, writing to-do lists for the weekend. We have a lot going on this weekend and next week:
  • Tomorrow, a certain daughter turns TWENTY
  • Lots of house cleaning and yardwork
  • Anders family for dinner on Sunday to celebrate Karin
  • Overnight guests on Monday: I am finally getting to meet another Internet psycho friend in person: Bethany from the now defunct blog Coffee-stained Clarity, and her family are stopping by on their way home to Italy after their Norwegian vacation
  • On Wednesday, Karin and I are going to the premiere of The Lion King
  • Next Friday, I'm taking the afternoon off and spending it at Wanås Sculpture Park and Gardens with Debbie and Camilla
The weather is absolutely PERFECT: 74 and sunny. It couldn't, literally COULDN'T, be better. Happy weekend to you!

*Title cribbed in entirety from the great Flannery O'Connor

thisisjusttosay, blabbiterlickum, blogalicious, puttingwordstogether

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