(wrote my TVD reaction thingy last night/this morning,
if you want that instead)
First of all, the 'self-defense' lesson WAS HILARIOUS. I love how Reese is all matter-of-fact - you poke out his eyes, and Finch is disgusted, and then asks something like "is that what you'd do?" And Reese's answer, "No, that's what you do." Leaving unspoken that what he would do is beat the crap out of him without getting up from the chair. LOLOL
But, on a more serious side, I do appreciate the real-world nature of the advice. I think the most valuable info I learned from a self-defense class in college years ago was that if someone's raping or murdering me, it's not the time to be squeamish. You may not be able to go for the eyes, but you have to be able to THINK of it. There is no option off the table if your life is on the line.
Anyway, also fantastic and amusing was Carter coming out of her house and rolling her eyes at the OBVIOUSITY of the watchers and then peeling off Snow's hide with her glare (have I mentioned yet how I cannot WAIT until Reese KILLS HIM STONE DEAD? what a dick. though his line to his little minions: "she's not in here, boys!" did make me laugh). And then, HEEEEEEE, she eludes them. BADASS.
Loving the development of the Nathan-Finch story and more-or-less how they built the machine. Plus the hints of the Machine's growing awareness. I like the image of Reese and Finch sitting there brainstorming what Trask is up to and the Machine listening and rolling its eyes figuratively: "JFC, HUMANS ARE SO SLOOOOOOOW."
And yay for her being brought into the fold. Or tested, really, I suppose was what that was. Finch laid down some bait and a trail, and then saw whether she'd follow it -- and also maybe more importantly, whether she'd turn that info over about him being Reese's partner to Snow and Co. Which she didn't because, as she said, getting Reese arrested is one thing, getting him shot to death right in front of her wasn't what she wanted. And as we know from her flashback, she's already had that shit pulled on her, so that was a strike against them right there.
I'm curious about the other minion, though, did he really not shoot to kill because he wanted to take him into custody, or did he pull it for some other reasons. I don't think Reese has seen him yet; that could be interesting if they have some history we don't know about yet.
- Reese on the phone, water spraying everywhere, with the hammer in his hand is, like, one of my favorite images ever. He looks so ... demented. I dunno, it was funny.
- My husband thought the turn was going to end up being that the cook was the Super's secret daughter. PHEW. SO GLAD HE WAS WRONG. (I hate it when he calls things ten minutes in that turn out to be right, when I disagree, lol)
- I am .. uncertain about the wisdom of being in witness protection and telling strangers the truth, no matter how outlandish, but it was funny
- Interesting solution to the problem of getting Reese fixed up after he was shot. I still like calling in a favor from Tillman, but this worked well too.
- cool reversal of the usual dynamic with Finch out in the field, frustrated, with Reese stuck inside, equally frustrated. We've seen Finch a bit out there when necessary, but showing us a bit more of Reese's ability to think, and not just hit things very hard, was good too. (though the ability to hit things very hard WITH CRUTCHES proves it hasn't exactly gone away either).
Also, this is more fuel to the fire of my PofI/Term crossover fic. TOO MANY IDEAS.