You guys, when did Thursday become a big night of t.v.? Oh that's right, it's ALWAYS been a big night for tv.
Heh. Usually this is my 'let's be funny' icon. But y'know, sometimes? IT IS FACT.
Stefan, bb, you are so lost, but MY GOD YOU ARE MAGNIFICENT in your fucked up ness.
Paul Wesley, all the awards for your batshit crazy eyes and little smirk and stone cold threatening face. (SO MUCH MORE TERRIFYING THAN KLAUS EVER WAS)
And also Nina of course for her CRUSHED LITTLE FACE AT THE BRIDGE. :( :( :( Though she's kind of figured it out, hasn't she? "You're trying to make me hate you." Yep, babygirl, I'm sorry, but I think that's exactly what he's trying to do. because as much as family is Klaus' weakness, Damon and Elena are Stefan's and he's trying to get rid of the Elena one. There's not much he can do about Damon, but Elena (and everyone else, to a lesser extent) can't be used against him if he demonstrably doesn't care. It's basically the same thing as the fake breakup they tried to play against Katherine, but now he's playing it for real.
I find it really fascinating actually how they're confronting each other -- Klaus, as befits someone really old, is a planner. He's the chessmaster. He set that whole thing up with Tyler and caroline so he could ride to her rescue. (I'm not always that impressed by Klaus - I think Joseph MOrgan does fine with what he's given, but he's often written as a whiny child who's not really impressive at all, but with Caroline he finally gave off an impression of age and definite skill with manipulation).
Whereas Stefan is playing a very high stakes game where he has exactly one ace and he has to convince the other player he doesn't care about any other cards in the deck. Which, on second thought makes me wonder if that's the other reason Klaus saved Caroline after ordering Tyler to kill her - not just to make her more ambivalent toward him and Tyler, but also because Klaus thought that killing Caroline wasn't going to work against Stefan. If that's true then Stefan's plan worked even better than he probably hoped, since it got Klaus to not only kick the hybrids out of town, convinced Klaus that he wasn't bluffing about turning Elena,and ALSO took away everyone else's use as hostages against him. (he's lucky Klaus isn't killing them out of spite anyway - seems like the old Klaus probably would have, but luckily we now have Reduce Reuse Recycle Klaus, who doesn't commit wasteful killings...)
Stefan however isn't listening to me. *sigh*
aaaaand in other news....
-- Caroline has the worst birthday ever. POOR CAROLINE. (I note in a recent intvw that Candice mentions the scarcity of scenes with Paul lately - which is probably a good thing, since Stefan'd just be mean to her, probably, but still. HE PROMISED TO HELP HER AND THEN IT WENT AWAY. :( :( )
-- Elena takes people to mausoleums to cheer them up. *sideyes* I thought you were going to the Falls? I get the theory of what she's trying to do, both in the tomb and then the bridge, but, girlfriend, it isn't the past that's weighing you down, it's your screwed up life in the present.
-- Elena and Bonnie are neither of them esp YAY about the Jeremy thing. But eh, he'll be back. I can't really get myself too worked up about it.
-- Matt was in it.
-- I did like how this time it was Damon's turn to defend Stefan doing something awful to Elena. Nice turnabout on how Stefan defended Damon after Jeremy's first death.
-- I'm kind of distracted knowing that Torrey's married to Paul. I keep kinda wanting them to have scenes together, and then they don't. But I'm amused that Meredith knows ALL ABOUT VAMPIRES though. (and of course she's trouble, has there been a Fell who wasn't?)
-- and hee, the guy who signs off on the 'animal attack' coverups was killed by a human.or at least looks like it was. So the paper actually gets to report his death with actual facts! maybe.
-- why the hell is Klaus renovating that house?
Also, wow, the music has seemed particularly poorly balanced these last two eps, really trampling the spoken dialogue.