Okay, first off, even though all the Scapers on my f'list have probably seen it already:
SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!! *flail* *flail* *flail*
...oh shit, this means I have to either finish appleseeds before this sonofabitch comes out, or not start until it ends.
*brightly* Oh well!
Stolen from
1. Go to your profile and copy your list of friends.
2. Bold those you've met in person.
3. Italicize those you've only spoken to on the phone (voicechat counts)
4. Underline those you knew pre-LJ
And I'm adding:
5. Strikeout webcomics, rpg characters, ficjournals, iconjournals, soulbonds of people already on your list and other "intangibles"
11nine73, 1337caveman, agent_rouka, albireo, almond_tiger, alto2, ameshinju, amilyn, andrastewhite, antegyca, aquaventure, arc_7, arc_in_transit, arsinoee, astrogirl2, banik, billietallent, birgitm, birgitriddle, bitemetechie, brightone, bruyere_75, bu_doodlebug, burning_smith, bzoppa, c3n0byte, calliopes_pen, cartermckay, catherinebruce, chazjazz, christianmystic, classicanne01, cofax7, computer_boy, crispengray, cruelest_month, curlyjo1, cws_gemini, dangermousie, dantenoir, darthcorrie, defaultlyric, di_br, dofunkychickens, duchess_aliana, egelantier, ellymelly, entropy_house, ephram_green, eternal_flyers, eve11, fair_witness, fallen_iceangel, farsticks, finding_jay, fire_and_a_rose, foreverseenstar, foxestacado, fried_duck, generalbullet, gjohnsonkoehn, glockgal, gothams3rdrobin, grayarcadian, hehnious_one, hezmanagirl, hobsonphile, hugo_clone, inrifrost, ixchup, izhilzha, jackluminous, jagwriter78, janus14, jen10122, jhall1, julsiggy, kawaii_not, kazbaby, kelemvour, kelvera, kenderheart, kernezelda, kerravonsen, kiyoshi_nezumi, knight_random, ladyaurora1ca, ladycallie, lhaluk, lil_banik_slave, link306, liten_sam, lithera, lobsteronmyhead, lordross, ltgarrix, mafiro, maritas, megcarryn, megthelegend, miishal, mike_mccall, mistraltoes, moonanstars, mostlikely2, mrscience, nakeisha, neuroaster, notatracer, numb3r_5ev3n, paddle_slut, palpitation, phuata, podthulhu, pumagrrl, ranka, reclaimer, redstarrobot, rhoboat, richardjgrayson, sabaceanbabe, sabrina_dawn, sageautumn, scaperdeage, scifirogue, scifirogue_kane, sdwolfpup, selenak, selinaenriquez, shadowlongknife, shimere277, shipperfey, shortpacked, shy_girl81, silentrainfall, silly_dodger, sir_sparhawk, skchwojko, snowgrouse, southoffebruary, stationdweller, sugargroupie, surreallis, sylph_ironlight, synecdochic, syntaxia, tallisen, talus, tanathir, the_iron_troll, thegabbster, thehallway, tringa, twichie, unendingexile, urrah, vila_restal, vilakins, walker_between, waxingobscure, wishkey, wolfscape, xallanthia, xfirefly9x, ysabetwordsmith, zia319, zsofika
...wow. I don't know about you, but I'm impressed. BTW, if I forgot to bold anybody, (i.e. "hey! we met at Burbank!") I'm so sorry, please let me know.
[EDIT And because I have to edit this anyway, I'll put this here as opposed to spamming:
Your result for The Steampunk Style Test...
The Air Pirate
32% Elegant, 31% Technological, 20% Historical, 52% Adventurous and 60% Playful!
You are the Air Pirate, the embodiment of steampunk fantasy. Admittedly, you would probably be more comfortable in a pulp adventure or Eberron fantasy, but you are able to find your niche in the less serious side of the genre. You are probably somewhat light on your technological accessories, but the ones that you do carry have a roguish dash to them. Your clothes are most likely styled after those of Victorian aristocrats or loyal airship officers, the better to show off your wealth and the spoils of your raids. Chances are you prefer to be flashy and extravagant, and frock coats are perfect.
Try our other Steampunk test
Take The Steampunk Style Test at
HelloQuizzy *snerk* There's a shocker. And hey, anyone who does this quiz and gets a different result than me, please link me, k? Because they don't have a "See all possible results" button, and I'm really really interested in what they use for Steampuck character archetype breakdowns. For some reason. *shiftyeyes*]
Finally... I'd really like your advice on something that's been bothering me for a while. Right around the start of Doctor Who season 4, I started this fic on my work computer. It's "Five Ways Donna Noble Might Leave the Tardis"
Now I was planning on, if I didn't finish it before the end of the season (which I didn't) and she ended up leaving (which she did), posting it as "Five Ways Donna Noble Didn't Leave the Tardis".
...except that one of them came true. Or near as dammit. And to make matters worse, it's the one I placed forth, so calling it "Four ways Donna Noble Didn't Leave the Tardis and One She Did" doesn't really work, because if I move that segment, the entire structure of the fic changes to be much much more of a downer, and if I don't move it it's just structurally odd.
I suppose I could just scrap it, but... I outlined all five sections, finished two, and have two more half-written. (And the problematic one is one of the half-written ones, and does need to be re-written unless I want to call it "Four Ways Donna Noble Didn't Leave the Tardis and One Way She Did Only Not Really and For a Different Technobabble Reason" Uhhhhhhhhhh, no.)
So, uh, help? What would you do if you were me?
(And yes I'm aweare of the irony bordering on bad taste of both my icon and mood icon)
"Donna Noble, you're the most important woman in all of creation!
-Rose Tyler, "Turn Left"