Vidoes I can't watch at work, and a fic meme

Jul 24, 2008 17:44

Yay for self-explanitory titles!


Cabaret a Martha Jones Tribute

A Donna Noble Tribute [SPOILERY!]

Accidentaly in Love (Doctor/Donna)

Hanging By a Moment (Doctor/Donna) [SPOILERS]

Neil Patrick Harris on Sesame Street, singing about shoes

Very flexible women

This is based on this which is based on this.

Meme: (stolen from snowgrouse)

1. Give me a list of THREE stories that I would NEVER write.
2. I will pick one of the story suggestions and attempt to write a snippet. (I can't promise anything--depends on the suggestions. But I'm willing to try almost anything, the crackier the better. BUT!!! No incest plz.)
3. Spread the meme on your own LJ if you want.

In case it isn't obvious - kindly stick to fandoms I know well enough to at least fake. But yeah, if you ever were desperate to see me try Doctor/Rose or mushy J/A or House/Cameron or Jack/Daniel or Legolas/Gimli or a Harry Potter mary sue or even RPS or something like that, here it is!

"What's on the telly?"
"Looks like a penguin."
"No, no, no, no, no, I mean what's the program?"
"Ooh, I dunno. Let's see."
-Monty Python's Flying Circus

vid recs, memes, fic, cool links, doctor who

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