Sorry for the spam, it just kinda worked out that way.
A quick community pimp before I move on:
fanficdvdcomm is a place where people can go to request comentary tracks for fanfic.
A meme that's been languishing in my "to do" pile:
Fannish friends! Languishing in your archive are posts of great justice loveliness - meta, fic, icons, random babblings that you suspect may have been written by the LJ fairy while you were sleeping. Some of your current flist may never have seen them. Some might be horribly embarrassing to you now. But don't be shy. Share 10 posts (or whatever random number you fancy) from the back catalogue of your LJ.
So, going back to
the beginning, working forward, and picking the first ten that strike my fancy (thus the most likely to have been unseen by the most people):
Liza Refuses to Play Dogebal Because She Is Sad - an anecdote from my past about how I develloped one of my coping mechanisms for depression, and a jounal entry winthin a journal entry written by one of my roleplaying characters (from The Matrix-verse) who felt a need to get stuff off her chest.
Musings on Privacy - an incident with a nosey reporter sparks an editorial on my personal concepts of privacy.
Liza: The Interview - my first experience with the interview meme, includes a detailed breakdown of my original fantasy setting, The Nine.
A Very Cool Quiz and Some TS Ranting - inspired by a quiz result, I go through the mock-results of a quiz based on the angst of the original characters of a fic I'm writing. Even if you don't know the fic at all, the snark is worth it, IMHO.
One Helmouth To Rule Them All - chatpost where
fairwitness and I discuss what LotR character various Buffyverse character are.
I Have Questions. Questions That Need Answers! -
phuata put up in his lj, as part of a meme, a huge long list of goofy silly questions for people to answer. This was my response.
Everything in This Post is True, Especially the Title - The best April Fool's post I've ever done. It defies description.
Way Hey Hey It's Just an Ordinary (Canada) Day! - Account of a Canada Day concert given by Great Big Sea, complete with hilarious band patter.
Red, White, and Grey - The State of the UT - Farscape meta about paralells between the PKS, the Scarrans, the Nebari, and the state of Europe at the end of the 2nd World War.
In the Spirit of the Holiday: I'm Thankful - Thanksgiving Day post in which I list the things, fannish and otherwise, I'm thankful for. Included here because it's all still true, every word.
Please don't be shy about commenting on any of these, no matter how old they are. They were all writen to spark discussion, and in many cases they got overlooked.
"I'll find him again, gramps, no matter how long it takes. I'll keep looking."
-Donna Noble