Amazing Things Happen on Earth, too.

Feb 18, 2008 00:34

Hello all, and happy belated valentines to you all. Mine was ok - Mike and I don't really celebrate it, though. The anniversary of our first date is - uh, today! Well, later today. So much later today it counts as tomorrow. 1am, Feb 19th, 1998 - holy shit, that makes it ten years.

Oh, and a happy belated birthday to: reclaimer (Feb 7th), kernezelda (Feb 9th), xfirefly9x (Feb 14 - wow, your parents got a hell of a Valentines pressie), and southoffebruary (apparently the 15th is South). Many happy returns to you all!

(I've decided to do this from now on, BTW)

(Oh, and belated happy fictional birthday to vila_restal on the 10th!)

Life is... tolerable, at the moment. I have not been totally immune to my annual fits of Febuaury depression. The Soul Crushing Corporation I work for has not been helping. I am getting a new job, goddammit, and I am getting one in which I have a vaguely regular schedule that allows me a fucking social life.

Not in the best financial straights - that's what missing work from being sick a lot will get you. Also having trouble sleeping and no appetite.... you know what? You might not be sick of hearing me bitch, but I am. Stopping now.

Not all is suckitude: thanks infinitely to computer_boy for buying me more icon time - so very sweet of you!

Finally managed to catch another ep of Sarah Jane Adventures - I think it was the last in that season, it had that feel to it.

I swear to god, they got the SJA writers' team together and went "right, let's make an episode especially for Liza, with everything she'd want in a SJA episode" and "The Lost Boy" was born.
A checklist:
  • Slytheen sans fat and fart jokes and thus absolutely terrifying - check!
  • a vindication that I was totally right about that kid surviving - check!
  • Strong Luke and Sarah plot - check!
  • an explanation of where the hell Mr Smith came from - check!
  • Clyde being smart and awesome - check!
  • Sarah kicking ass and taking names - check!
  • Maria's Dad in the know and on the case - check!
  • Fantastic obscure old skool reference (LOL 20 years later & PHAROS' security is still a joke) - check!
  • aaaaand.... K9!! - CHECK CHECK CHECK CHECK OMGWTFTINDOGGIE!!! ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
And my only, only complaint about this ep is that Mr Smith didn't die permanently and k9 had to go back to his black hole. Boo hiss. Oh, and I wasn't thrilled with the implication of Maria's mum and dad getting back together - they are SO better off without that bitch whom I wanted to fucking kill for getting Sarah arrested. Still, we got a UNIT reference out of it (CHECK!!) so in the end it's ok. I was also wonderfully amused by Sarah Jane's licence plate number which I noticed for the first time and is the obscurest of obscure references - and one I've had a bizarre obsession with for years.

I am a very very very happy fangirl. Terror of the Zygons playing in the background right now is not diminishing this at all.

Sarah: I saw things you wouldn't believe!
Rose: Try me.
Sarah: Mummies.
Rose: I've met ghosts.
Sarah: Robots. Lots of robots.
Rose: Slitheen. In Downing Street.
Sarah: Daleks!
Rose: [smugly] Met the Emperor.
Sarah: Anti-matter monsters!
Rose: Gas-mask zombies!
Sarah: Real living dinosaurs!
Rose: Real living werewolf!
Sarah: The. Loch Ness. Monster!
Rose: [impressed] Seriously?
-Rose and Sara Jane, School Reunion

review, bitching, sja, friends, life, doctor who

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