Stolen from brian...

Jan 15, 2006 21:15

My uncle once: tried to kill his roommate with a machette.
Never again in my life: drink a fifth of tequila.
When I was five: I was in kindergarten
High School was: Not a bad time.
I will never forget: Spring Break, '03
I once met: John Mayer
There is this girl I know who: lived in a shoe?
Once, at a bar: Jamie Loo puked in a corner
By noon I'm usually: waking up.
Last night I: Had amazing sex.
If I had only: were more protective of my feelings.
Next time I go to church: EAster
What worries me most: I'm not sure.
When I turn my head right: I see our photo department.
When I turn my head left: I see the rest of the reporters desk.
You know I'm lying when: It's really easy to tell.
You know what I miss most about the eighties: JEM
By this time next year: I'd like to be more settled as an adult.
A better name for me would be: I have a few nicknames...
I have a hard time understanding: the male mind.
If I ever go back to school I'll: not go back to school ever.
You know I like you if: I frigging tell you.
If I won an award, the first person I'd thank would be: My dad.
Take my advice, never: be afraid to ask for help.
My ideal breakfast is: sourdough french toast with real maple syrup.
If you visit my hometown, I suggest: I don't suggest it
Why won't anyone: CHILL THE FUCK OUT
If you spend the night at my house, DO: sleep in bed with me and snuggle.
The world could do without: terrorism.
I'd rather lick the belly of a cockroach than: ew.
My favorite blonde is: I am my own favorite blonde
Paper clips are more useful than: Sticky notes.
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