So apparently I have some time to kill. Class got out early, so my two hour and 15 minute break turned into 2.5+ hour break. AHHHH! Hopefully next week I'll actually be using this time for assignments or something. Yes, that would be cool. Or to call/text EVERYONE I know that goes to UWM and see if they have down time on campus at all. Anyways, I have a lot of printing to do for the semester (class notes and such), but that is what my printer at home is for (since I wouldn't need to keep using/paying for a print card and wasting paper by not having them double sided). Still debating if I want to keep my Marketing Research text. It's optional, but it has the program disc that we'll be using if we don't have easy access to a lab... but here I am, still an hour and 45 minutes to kill... so maybe I really don't need that disc! I'm a smart cookie. And I'm sure all this dead time on campus will ultimately be used for group meetings and other work/project-type-things. That would be awesome.
Anyways, classes have been interesting thusfar. Yesterday was Consumer Behavior, International Business and International Financial Management. Consumer Behavior seems like it'll be an okay class. The professor just got his graduate degree from Indiana last year, and this his second semester teaching. And it also helps that when I entered class my friend Priya caught my attention in the back. Yay for people I actually know being in one of my classes! Much group work from daily in-class assignments to projects, so yay for not being thrown in with people I'm clueless about. Priya and I both had dead time til 3:30, so we just went to the Gasthaus for food and whatnot. Next was International Business, which will be interesting. More group work, and nametags for him to call on you for participation points (oh joy). He's the husband of my marketing professor from last semester, just a fun tidbit. Next was International Financial Management... which may kill me. Very nice professor who knows what he's talking about, but he speaks softly and it's hard for me to pay attention for that long (2 hours and 40 mintues, with a mini break). Yes, I signed up for it so I knew it was coming... I just didn't realize it would be thaaaaat long. I did stats as a night class last spring semester and I survived. Hopefully that can happen again. Oh yeah, and Brent Bunker and Jaime Royten are in that class.
Today was a little better I guess. Had my first class at 2:00 - Marketing Research. More group work, but at least at the end of class I talked with three people around me and they seem pretty cool and laid back. One of the guys stuck around me with to schedule our presentation, which will be March 1st.
Seriously, this is the semester of presentations. (thank God for having comm last semester so I'm semi-confortable with public speaking). The only good thing is that for Consumer Behavior and Int'l Business we don't have finals during finals week, just the presentations scheduled for that last week of classes, based on the projects we work on all semester with 5-6 group members. It's a relief to only 3 final exams scheduled, which could actually be cut to two if I do well in Marketing throughout the semester. She purposely has 4 scheduled so that you drop the lowest... so if I'm satisfied with my first 3 exams? That 4th will be the dropped one :) That would be very nice.
Oh yeah, and then there's the Int'l Finance presentations. These could be as simple as pie, or it could be the death of me. (Note: I'm trying to think of them as easy to subdue the nerves I had when they were announced). We have two for the semester, and I just happened to schedule them on the same Monday night, February 26th - just to only have public speaking nerves for only one day instead of two. One is a short presentation of 5 slides on some current internation business thing in the news. Not bad. No time limit, just to be thorough about what you're presenting and not ramble. Second one is a presentation on an internet problem listed/assigned in the syllabus that you can do with a partner. I asked the guy next to me if he'd like to work together... cause obviously I didn't want to do a 15 slide presentation in front of the class... solo. That would suck big ones. And the topic is already picked: something regarding foreign exchange rate determination. YAY something I'm interested in, especially when it comes to something necessary when travelling abroad.
I opted to do my presentations early in the semester. That way they are all done within about a month/month and a half, and BEFORE spring break. I have enough exams and randomness scheduled that getting those speaking nerves off my chest will be rewarding. The the only ones to worry about are the group ones - end of semester - piece of cake.
One more class and I'll have my semester complete - Managerial Accounting. Still another hour or so to waste until that one starts at 5:30. I already was able to look at the syllabus - it'll be a lot of daily assignments, but I'd rather do that busy-work and comprehend concepts on a constant basis than cramming last minute. I guess that's why I liked accounting the first time around. And this semester it'll always be my Tuesday nights. Little over two hours of lecture, discussion, the a week to process everything, work on assignments, etc. Probably one of my best scheduling decisions for this semester.
Oh yeah. And I find it reallllly weird having all business classes this semester. In semesters past I've always had atleast something in another building. This semester? All in Lubar. And 3 of my 5 classes being in the SAME ROOM! ...exciting, eh?
Waiting on a couple emails from different people - one from Dr. marcus about my letter of academic recommendation for the paris trip; one from greg something or other about who to address my cover letter to for the internship. Can't really continue editing/writing that one til he responds. Due Friday, so hopefully I'll have everything together to drop off Thursday before my Marketing Research.
I'm hoping that there is poker scheduled for this weekend. Even if I just stop over after work Friday or Saturday night after work... especially since I lacked it last weekend. I have a sinking feeling that once the semester gets in motion I'll end up opting out of many of them, due to exhaustion from the week or overwhelming school work loads :(
I think that is enough rambling for today. And probably enough for the week. I guess I'll use this next hour to organize my planner or do something else that I'd ultimately procrastinate on homework with.