Because Katie hates Tumblr

May 07, 2013 21:31

Well, not hates Tumblr, but I agree with her that it's an impossible place to try and have a conversation. In fact, one of the things that drives me nuts on Tumblr is when people try to use it to have a conversation, and I have to scroll past 97 "ask me a question!" or whatevers. If you want to have an LJ, GO GET AN LJ.

Or, better yet, use the one you have, Liz! Hey, let's do that.

So apparently i think all of you keep up with my life via osmosis, and should just magically know what I'm up to. Probably not.

I have a fandom again! If, you know, by "have a fandom" I mean one where I read a lot of fanfic, and have tentatively started poking at some of my own fic. I am sort of desperate to talk to people about ALL MY FEELS about Iron Man 3 and how it fits into the Avengers universe, so please come do that, if that's your thing.

Speaking of my the Avengers 'verse, someone wrote a story the other day talking about how Steve was color blind before the serum, and how different the world was to him afterwards. It was really beautifully done, and I was all, "Oh, that's totally in my headcanon for Steve now," except it turns out it's not headcanon--it's canon-canon! The materials with the Phase 1 box set include Steve's pre-serum physical maladies, one of which is... color blind! This totally blows my mind, and gives me a whole new view of the character. I'm excited to incorporate it into ... something I will hopefully finish writing, one of these days.

I'm back east for about 10 days starting the 18th. Dealing with mom's house, seeing people, dealing with mom's house some more. I suppose burning it down isn't a productive option?

Ah well, at least I get to discover what's in the mysterious safety deposit box!
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