Does anyone even read this anymore? WARNING: Actual fandom content ahead!

Nov 15, 2012 07:21

So, to no one's surprise more than mine, I suddenly find myself in a fandom! How did that happen? I don't even remember the last time I devoured fic (and one of the joys of finding a well-established fandom is that there's SO MUCH FIC, of course, one of the problems is trying to hunt down the good fic amongst the deluge).

Oh, and it's Avengers, if you were wondering.

It started out quietly. I rented (yes, people still rent movies, thank you, RedBox) Avengers one weekend, because I remembered I'd really liked it. I still did! Then the next weekend I rented Captain America and Iron Man 2. Not long after that, topaz119 posted a bunch of fic recs, some of which were Avengers stories, so I clicked through and read a few, and that was pretty much the beginning of the end. Or, well, really, the beginning of the beginning.

It will surprise probably zero people to learn that my OTP is Steve/Tony, with that unerring ability I have to go for the conventional (well, as conventional as slash gets, I guess) pairing. As always, my fandom love is really for a One True Character more than a One True Pairing (see: Tom Paris, JC, Draco, etc.), and in this case, it's Steve Rogers, man out of time. I do have a love for the emotionally fucked up ones, don't I? But see, what that means is that I love them ALL so much, because every one of the Avengers is completely fucked up, and it's fantastic to read good fic about them all trying to figure out how to live together and work together (and have hot sex together, duh). My second favorite pairing is probably Clint/Coulson, because omg, so perfect together.

There's so much canon -- from so many different sources -- and so much fic and fanon that I'm pretty sure I'm in that situation where the first few stories I've read have shaped my view of the characters in ways that may or not be accurate (I was startled when the trailer for Iron Man 3 came out and Tony was NOT living in Avengers tower with everyone!). The thought of trying to WRITE anything in this fandom is totally overwhelming, because there's just so much to get wrong. It reminds me when the new Star Trek came out, and people started writing fic and I kept getting thrown out of the stories not because of the characterizations, but because the Trek was so wrong.

This is really my first time spending any significant time over on AO3 (I had signed up for an account a while ago, with some vague idea about posting all my old fic over there just for the hell of it and archive purposes, but had pretty much never used it), and I love that you can mark stories to read for later, and subscribe to find out when a WIP is updated, and make your own bookmarks, and if you love a story you can click on the author's name to see all his or her OTHER stories, plus the stories he or she recommends. It's helping me navigate my way through the morass, somewhat.

So, um, yeah. Yay, fandom! I'm excited, I'm having fun, and I guess I need to go get some new icons! So far I've pretty much just been reading fic, but if you're into Avengers fandom and have some communities here on LJ to recommend, I'd be happy to know! And story, recs, of course.
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