Music Sharing: The Kind that Won't Get Me Sued and/or Fined

Aug 07, 2014 15:53


Yes, I'm testing embedding for online "mixtapes."

I was kind of going through some old fanmixes of mine from back in the day, sad that I could no longer offer them (there's a little bit of a complicated story about why I had to stop my Music from the Cube CD reviews back in the day).

This while I was streaming on Spotify *facepalm*.

In any case, I figured I'd try both Grooveshark and Spotify for sharing playlists. Let me know which one you prefer.

One way or the other, I think I might make some of my "mixtapes" available via here, Dreamwidth, and Twitter.

Samples of both playlists are below:

This one is from Grooveshark

This one is from Spotify

music: general, music: review

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