I know. I haven't been around much. I'm kind of crawling out from more than two years of personal gunk-i-ness, and my time seems to have contracted dangerously.
But I'm gonna try to post more often than "once in a blue moon."
Not that anyone is really left on the journals. *taps microphone* Heeellooooooo, is this still on?
In any case, I came across this and it made me howl.
Boston tourist Attractions, According to Unhappy Yelp Viewers I'm not sure what is funnier. The reviews that completely miss the point, or the snark that gets served back.
Makes a perfect companion piece to this thing I wrote (holy cow!) six years ago called
To All the Tourists I've Loved (and Not Loved) Before, which is a rumination on what it's like to live in and around a city that's an international tourist destination.
Whelp. Gotta go. I must work. Next up...corporate training. Which I'm putting off. Because I know it's going to be about brainwashing me into believing that being a doormat is the most important job skill I can possibly have.
The joys of corporate America, no?
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