Upon Further Reflection - 5x04 - A Katy or a Gaga

Nov 10, 2013 11:22

“A Katy or a Gaga” doesn’t want to stop tickling my brain. Which is sort of funny to me, because while I thought it was a solid episode for a handful of reasons, I definitely didn’t *love* it. It didn’t make my heart race, it didn’t make me cry, and I didn’t particularly care for any of the musical performances (in fact, they pained me with a LOT of secondhand embarrassment). And yet, I am kind of stuck on this episode, in a good way.

FYI: in addition to more thoughts on this episode in particular, there is some incredibly vague, non-specific speculation of mine under the cut. It is based only on that which has already aired with no spoilers beyond, just the idle musings inside my own head. I could luck out and be right, or I could be proven utterly wrong. (And if you know, please don’t tell me. I remain as spoiler-free as I can manage.)

What I think 5x04 did was get me intrigued for what is going to come next. It’s not what I would consider to be a “filler” episode in the negative sense. Rather, I feel like it was a stepping stone for whatever is going to happen over the next four-ish episodes (until the epic winter hiatus of our discontent - grumble grumble).

A comment by lalaleniii sparked the connection in my head: “A Katy or a Gaga” reminded me a lot of “Makeover” from Season 4. It wasn’t a *great* episode on its own, but it set up a lot of what was to come: distance between Blaine and Kurt (*sob*), Schue’s leave of absence, the birth of BLAM, Rachel finding her new self in New York, Kurt starting out at Vogue. I’m not saying every piece of that ended up being successful, or something I particularly enjoyed. But a bunch of things got started or took an important turn in “Makeover.” “A Katy or a Gaga” has that same feeling to me.

As flaming_muse said in her write-up, I feel like this might be an interesting episode to revisit later in the season, because I suspect it contains the origin for a handful of larger stories.

Clearly it’s the start of some kind of mini-arc with Starchild/Elliot and Kurt (more thoughts on that in a moment). Possibly also something about Kurt trying to find success as a performer and what that means about embracing the most special parts of himself (also more thoughts below). I hope so, because anything revolving around Kurt is likely a thumbs-up in my book.

I also wonder if this is setting up something between Will and Sue beyond the usual “hurl insults at one another while Sue tries to sabotage him and the club, only to have them come out victorious and for Sue to have a change of heart.” I stopped caring about their stupid feud-that-will-never-die a long time ago, but I suppose there’s still a chance they could introduce something interesting. Maybe.

There’s probably some setup for the Marley/Jake/Bree thing, but I cannot bring myself to care very much. I like Marley enough when she’s standing up for herself, but I have never liked Jake as more than a bro in the background. And Bree is a waste of time. Not only because we’ve seen the evil-maneater-Cheerio thing too many times already, but because the VERY LAST THING this show currently needs is more characters in Lima. Clamp that sucker off and let it die, already, and move this whole thing to New York like almost everyone seems to want.

I don’t have any idea if I’m right or wrong on all of that, but I feel intrigued to see how it plays out over the next few episodes and maybe the season as a whole.

A few more thoughts on this episode specifically, and what Glee has done so far this season, mostly with the Kurt/Klaine goggles on.

I enjoy being constantly reminded that Kurt & Blaine are engaged, I love playing Spot-the-Ring, and I like that the costume department seems to be trying to give us little clothing-based Easter eggs to show their connection. But I’m going to need them to speak WITH one another in the very near future. I do actually understand how reality works - I know the show can’t satisfy my heart’s desire and have a 10-minute Skype conversation in every single episode. And that’s okay. Hell, I will even acknowledge the fact that, if I *did* get to see long, weekly Skype conversations, that probably wouldn’t make for the most compelling storytelling.

But you can get a decent amount of mileage out of something quite small. Blaine walking into the choir room on the phone, and all we hear is the very last moment of the conversation and a goodbye. Or Kurt saying goodnight to the girls because he’s meeting Blaine on Skype in a few minutes. A few quick texts sent. I assume all is well in their world, but I would like to explicitly see at least a little bit of it (even if what I really want is QUITE A LOT of it, but that's what fanfic is for). I mean, they’re newly engaged but living almost 600 miles apart from one another, and have recently reunited after a tough breakup that exposed some serious communication flaws. I would think they might want to talk or text a few times a day, no? Crying out loud, I’ve been married for almost ten years and I still text my husband to say hello while he’s at work a whopping 10 miles away.

I’m also trying not to get all cranky about Kurt not really singing in his own band. I’m reminding myself to be patient. It’s only one song, after all. And I would expect that there are stipulations in the contracts of guest stars for how much they sing, which is fine. But tread carefully, Glee. Kurt needs to have some front-and-center time in that band.

With both of these things, I am withholding judgment for the time being. I’m not terribly cranky about them. Yet. But it’s hovering in the back of my brain. I don’t want a repeat of last season, when Kurt was inexplicably ignored for huge swaths of time. He seems to be getting his voice and his agency back. Please keep it.

A moment about Elliot and Kurt in the diner and the flirting thing that I’ve heard a few people talk about: I do not think for one second that Kurt is flirting with Elliot. His body language is engaged and interested in the conversation, but it's not leaning in or inviting something more. Kurt is not flustered or flattered or blushing, much less anything overtly attracted in any way other than "this guy seems cool and I want him in my band." Elliot? Well, he's more of a question mark, since we've only just met him. His body language and facial expressions read a little more flirty to me. But that could just be how he is, not particularly directed at Kurt. (Though, hell, who WOULDN’T flirt with Kurt? He’s gorgeous and amazing. I mean, come on.)

I don't know where this little arc is going (again, spoiler-free, thanks!), but I REALLY hope they don't attempt to manufacture any real relationship drama out of it. I'm much more interested in seeing the two if them interact over talent and showmanship and performance and persona. Whether they're a great duo or fierce competitors, I'd love to see it. And if they INSIST on love-interest drama, I hope it's either dramatically one-sided (i.e. Elliot foolishly pursuing an utterly uninterested Kurt), or a French farce of botched communication.

Finally, I adore the Hummelberry scene. I like the reality of Kurt encountering obstacles to his success because he's not the typical teen-heartthrob tenor (*cough* Blaine *cough* - there could be so many interesting things between the two of them in this arena if Blaine ever fucking leaves Ohio). Deep down, he knows who he really is, and that he will never be happy trying to be someone he isn't. But having such a defined sense of self doesn't mean the rest of the world is going to make it easy on you. And that gets old and tiring sometimes. It makes him long for the ease of being a more conventional person, even if that ultimately isn't him. Rachel is great in this scene - she calls him out while building him up, and it's acted with a really natural feel for their friendship. He doesn't really fight her when she reminds him to be himself - he knows she's right. He just gets tired of fighting for every inch, sometimes.

Anyways, on to next week, and we’ll see just how wrong I probably am about everything.

a katy or a gaga, 5x04, episode recaps, tv: glee, season 5

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