Steven Moffat gets hate mail from people who think David Tennant should never have left Doctor Who? ABSURD.
To paraphrase
th_esaurus, people who think Tennant was better than Matt Smith are just plain wrong.
See re: above...
10 Times Matt Smith Was a Better Doctor Than You
Doctor: Because you knew if we stayed here, I'd be faced with an impossible choice - humanity or the alien. You took it upon yourself to save me from that. That was wrong. You don't ever decide what I need to know.
Amy: I don't even remember doing it.
Doctor: You did it. That's what counts.
Amy: I'm-- I'm sorry.
Doctor: Oh, I don't care. When I'm done here, you're going home.
Amy: Why? Because I made a mistake? One mistake, I don't even remember doing it. Doctor!
Doctor: Yeah, I know. You're only human.
The first moment I knew I was going to be fascinated with the Eleventh Doctor. He is impossibly cold in this moment. Amy waited for him for fourteen years and when he finally came for her, she made one mistake and hid something from him. In his anger you can see why he's called the Oncoming Storm.
Doctor: You'll die.
Father Octavian: I'm already dead.
This scene is played heartbreakingly, with the Doctor realizing that there is nothing at all that he can do to save Father Octavian, that he has to- in the most literal way- turn his back on him and let the man die. The tears in the Doctor's eyes are as much tears of anger, frustration and defeat as of sorrow. But then, in the next moment he has moved on, coldly compartmentalized it.
River: You'll see me again quite soon. When the Pandorica opens.
Doctor: The Pandorica... That's a fairy tale.
River: Doctor... Aren't we all?
I really like the way Matt Smith's Doctor reacts to the mystery of who River Song is. He doesn't trust her, but he's drawn to her, and the tone of their interactions are always interesting. Also, I swear I spent half an hour in bed last night going OMG WHO IS RIVER SONG?
The look exchanged between the Doctor and the Dream Lord after Amy chooses Rory- chooses to die instead of be in a world where there is only the Doctor, no Rory- it's an deft, beautifully played moment you could miss if you blinked.
I'm asking nicely, Ambrose... Put them away.
Another sneakily chilling moment from Eleven.
Vincent: It's colour! Colour that holds the jey! I can hear the colours, listen to them. Every time I step outside, I feel nature is shouting at me. Come on! Come and get me! Come on! Capture my mystery!
Doctor: Maybe you've had enough coffee now.
One of the things I really liked about Vincent and the Doctor is that the Doctor really doesn't understand depression. He understands pain and sorrow and regret and loneliness and all the things that come along with being the last of your kind and a destroyer of worlds. But he doesn't understand depression as a mental illness. And his face here shows every bit of his confusion.
One of the things I like about Matt Smith's performance is that he really reminds you that the Doctor is an alien. The Lodger was mostly about culture shock for the Doctor trying to fit in as a normal human man. And he's terrible at it. Matt Smith was great in this episode. Moments like the one where he rubs the tube of hair gel against his fringe or spits his wine back into the glass... and my favorite line, the Doctor's desperate: "It's art! A statement on modern society! Oooh, ain't modern society awful!"
Dalek: The Pandorica is ready.
Doctor: Ready for what?
Dalek: For you!
You can literally see the instant where it clicks for the Doctor that this has all been an incredible set up, that the Pandorica is for him. You can see the realization in his eyes and the fear break over his face. Matt Smith always chooses his moments to let the Doctor's fear show.
Amy: I... I- I mean. Is he dead?
Doctor: ... What? Dead? Yes, yes of course he's dead.
Ugh, well, the Dying Doctor scene. I'm not gonna say much about it, because it might reveal too much about my feelings on that scene. But I got chills. The Doctor staring off into the middle distance with his own body at his feet, not even hearing what Rory and Amy are saying. I'd love to know what exactly was going through his head. The best thing about Matt Smith as the Doctor is how well he plays the inner life of the Doctor.
Doctor: Sorry, something's come up. This will have to be goodbye.
Amy: Yeah, I think it's goodbye. Do you think it's goodbye?
Rory: Definitely goodbye.
One of my faaaavorites. The Lonely Doctor. You know he was just going to leave, slip off into the night before Amy and Rory realized, and they'd likely never see him again. But they knew him and they caught him, and he has to make sure, give them that out, because his companions always leave eventually if he doesn't leave them first. His face is the saddest face.
It was SUPER HARD to pick just ten moments out of this series!