(no subject)

Oct 20, 2009 22:33

WTF Spread (or possibly October, October Spread!)

1) Current circumstances.
Nine of Wands
There's a lot going on-I'm keeping a huge amount back, being cynical, paranoid, focusing so much on what I could lose that I gain nothing.  Rather apt, given my recent anxiety-the imagery is a man holding a flaming staff, guarding eight more flaming staves behind him, looking worried and defensive.  Fire, fire, fire.  I'm worrying too much.

2) What am I worrying about?
The Wheel of Fortune.
Not what I would have expected here as it's quite a positive card, indicating a shift in fortune for the better, transition, opportunity.  I am worried about moving to the stage of my life, growing, developing, scared about taking opportunities or even how to recognise a good one.  Everything is changing and sometime fairly soon I have to work harder to get everything shifted around, finding a new place to live, working out how to be a responsible, independent adult, finding work to support us and terrified of the fact that I don't know how to do any of that stuff.

3) What should I worry about?
Seven of Pentacles (reversed)
Ok, ok, I get the message!  This means I'm at risk of wasting all the work that's been put into the house and I need to focus on that.  If I continue to barely tread water then I will be throwing it all away.  And it's not just me.  It's Myf.  It's my parents.  It would be the biggest failure in a long line of failures.

4) What is about to happen?
Four of Swords.
I was expecting the exact opposite really!  This is the card that signifies taking a rest from the hardship, restocking, refueling, preparing to re-enter and win the field.  If this respite is not taken advantage of, it can lead to a forced retreat due to illness or injury or having fought far past resources-I'm so geared towards something bad happening when this says I need to relax yet part of the problem is that I'm not doing any work at all.  (well, managed some today, but that don't count here)

5) How should I deal with it?
The Chariot
Ok, 4 of Swords makes more sense now!  I need to gather all my skills and talents and harness them-I need to be focused on the future and on success.  This is the card of drive and motivation-of getting to where you want to be and letting nothing stop you.

6) What do I need to learn?
Seven of Wands.
I need to understand what it is that is important to be, to find the courage to stand up for myself and for what/who I believe in.  This is an area I am still a baby in.  It's all about finding faith in myself, knowing my limits and how far to go, when to back off and when I really need to push.  I need to be stronger in myself.  And if I don't listen, I know that She will teach me-but that lesson won't be pleasant.

Actually a lot here that makes sense, that pinpoints why I feel uneasy and tells me to spend some time being constructively introspective rather than depressive, getting my shit in gear and ticking the jobs off one by one and to realise that these are necessary changes I'm going through that if I act swiftly and responsibly will be enormously positive.

october, wtf spread, tarot

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