Feb 28, 2008 20:05
I was thinking a lot today about whether or not I am an introvert or an extrovert. The reason it came to mind was because Kyle is taking a leadership class where they administered the Meyers-Briggs.. He really wants me to take it as well and he was adamant on making me read his like 20 page feedback report.. which led me to think that maybe I am an introvert when I had originally immmediately considered myself to be an extrovert.
There was something in that packet that was about how introverts value relationships in a way that extroverts can't understand and that really struck me as something that made me feel like I was an introvert and not an extrovert. Then I started thinking about people I know that are introverts and extroverts and I feel like maybe I relate to the introverts more...but I think I have definitely been and lived in the mindsets of both.. I dont know..
I got into a really stupid fight with Kyle last night because he made the mistake of telling me that he'd had like 40 ex-girlfriends...and I told him that he was a creep...and he got really angry...blabla not very interesting...
I think he was a creep...but he thinks I should understand his need to be with someone because I am a psychology major and his mother died when he was young.. I don't like it when he uses that as a rationalization for such an absurd thing to say to me (that he has had like 40 ex gfs...which is absurd)
things that are stressing me out right now
1. so broke
2. Dana and Randy and camping...so many reasons that stresses me out the first one being that dana wants to stay in a cabin and kyle and his friend vehemently oppose.....
3. grades
4. people. i hate everyone. is it possible to love and hate everyone? yes.
alright im done
This is so self indulgent and wonderful