weekend is here!

Apr 25, 2003 09:43

Overnight my number of movies has gone up by 25% since another movie kaki has surfaced out of the woodwork... Bang chaos rather.. hehe. hey JoS *wave wave*

Caught Dokuz (9) by Umit Unal with astropup on Wednesday. I'll admit upfront I was dozing off at a couple of points hehe. I liked the concept of the film, drama done documentary style, and really liked the editing, and thought the actor doing the photographer's role was pretty good. Some of the cinematography was strangely Lomo-like - dreamlike or saturated colours - which made it visually interesting, especially since most of the film was made of talking heads. The way information was slowly revealed and contrasted was good, but somehow I couldn't really get into it. I think the editing really saved the film. Also brought to mind the work of Errol Morris (The Thin Blue Line, Mr. Death) who does documentary in a dramatic way.

Last night, impromptu-ly went to watch The Colour of Pomegranates. Hm. Visually, it was beautiful - I liked the images, I dunno, maybe it was the age of the film, it had a certain feel to it. Story-wise, well, I'm not sure if there was meant to be one. I didn't get things like the chickens and the sacrificial lambs - I was horrified and scared that they were going to show the slaughter on film, but thank goodess they didn't. There was the loss of a lover that I didn't know existed, I assume I fell asleep and missed that part. I think the poet that it was about, Sayat Nova, must have been a seriously depressed guy tho'. The few lines there were, repeatedly talked about being 'weary' and 'tormented'. I'm quite intrigued though. Must go and see if I can borrow anything from the library on him. Oh ya, it was very Moliere-esque too...

This year's film fest is making me nostalgic. Have fallen asleep at every single film except for The Sweatbox - very reminiscent of those days in RMIT when I got up for the 8am class on Monday morning, only to go there and doze through the film. ::grin:: It was only on rare occasions that I was totally awake through the films hehe.

Note to self: Pls go write up all those stories about Bang.


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