(no subject)

Apr 23, 2003 11:45

Been having this dilemma about PDAs. Is it a necessity in my life??.......

I'm not sure I really need it. As it is, I've tried the Palm m100 and m125, and have declared them nothing more than really expensive, hi-tech alarm clocks.

However, my life *is* slowly driving me nuts. I have a little diary thingy where I record my expenses since I've given up on Quicken. That's something I'd like to be "excel-sheeted" so I can sort out my money better (yes, to find the black hole that sucks everything away).

Then there are those ideas that I keep writing down either in my work notebook, tear out, after which they promptly disappear since I lack the ability to keep small pieces of paper. Of course on those papers are also things to do, things to buy, people's email addresses, appointments and whatever other nonsense I deem necessary to write down.

and then, deciding to buy opens another whole can of worms. I don't need anything fancy. Just something basic will do. *BUT* I also think it will be nice to have a device that can take pictures. The thought of having to spend money on both a PDA and a digital camera is just a bit too much for my poor pockets to handle. Probably would be better to keep things separate I suppose. But then again, the thought of having one more thing to carry around is slightly irksome... I like to travel light.

I could just go on and on... think I'll loan out the Clie to play with before I decide.

I typically don't really bother what people think of me (except those who matter I suppose) but the other day, I again received another off-the-cuff comment that indicated that I prefer Caucasians/Westerners/GodKnowsWhatTheTermIsNow to local/Chinese guys... which is totally untrue, in fact, it's probably opposite. I don't know where and why people get these ideas...

The other thing is people think 22, 23 and fresh out of school. At first I thought it's cos people tend to minus off an extra couple of years since age can be a sensitive thing... Don't think I act like a kid, so it's probably how I dress. hm, normally it's good to look young, but not when it comes to the workplace... Time to revamp the work wardrobe and wear makeup I suppose...

Isn't my life pathetic? nothing but self-obsessed rambling every day.

ooooh I'm so excited.. just got call for potential job.


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