monday monday...

Jun 11, 2002 00:27

the mamas and papas song is playing in my head and won't go away....

hm. in case anyone missed Socrates' abiding gift of free thought by Asad Latif in the ST last Sat, good piece... hehe. well for someone who doesn't read the papers much, it is.

things are in limbo. for this astro-freak here, this eclipse has really been significant - so much drama happening in my life and around me. for me was the drama with my parents, my friends - couples breaking up, making up, friends who are no longer friends, and the worst of all - a miscarriage. pretty shocked to hear about it, since we didn't know she was pregnant, but she didn't know either. think her husband's more upset than her, he really does want to have kids. feeling some guilt for my initial reaction which was suspicion - wondered if she hid it from him. she said at the start of this year, she had no inclination for kids at this point of her life. have no idea what to say to her. or her husband. feel for him more than anything else. he must be pretty torn up.

didn't do much this weekend. watched The Exorcist yesterday afternoon. Didn't find it particularly scary, maybe cos in the day??... good use of sound / silence tho'. wonder how they rigged the spiderwalk sequence... it was over too fast. and just gross. think will watch it again with the director's commentary and then sell it to someone who'd appreciate it more. This guy supposedly 'researched' the story the film was based on and here's his 'report'.

And watched Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone yesterday night - finally found the hidden scenes. they were not bad. haven't checked out the dvd-rom goodies yet tho'. my bro said the kid looks like Tobey McGuire. hehe. Harry Potter grows up to become Spidey - not bad eh? can cast spells and webs.

tonight, watched The Virgin Suicides. sigh. it's a beautiful film. one of the best adapted screenplays ever i reckon. good acting - Kathleen Turner reminded me so much of Frances Mcdormand (sp?) here. James Wood, Kirsten Dunst - all superb. The look of the film, both cinematography and design, is spot-on too. Just nostalgic enough to remind you of a time just recently past. And the music is simply hynoptic. it's what i imagine everything would sound like if i smoked pot. hehe. ;) it's a must-watch, you'll have a good laugh about josh hartnett and his ugly wig if nothing else.

Need to have talk with Juan about what's coming up. otherwise need to start calling and begging for jobs. hehe. nitie nite!~

food for thought, astrology, movies

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