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Jun 08, 2002 11:56

hm. that was a good sleep. last night, caught Friends, the Japanese-Korean co-pro drama series on tv (Jap version here). it's creepy cos the issues the characters were struggling with - it's almost the story of my life! very bizarre!!!! The Korean guy decides to give up filmmaking cos of family expectations, and Tomoko, played by Fukada Kyoko, lives in the shadow of her capable mother, feeling that she'll never live up to her mom's standards, while wishing she could be a fashion designer... aiyo. some of the things they said hit so close to home...

good to talk to rowena last night. she was saying, the objective is to get to the point where parents amuse you instead of infuriate you. but .. that's pretty patronizing as well... maybe it's just the ability to step out of the situtation, and not take it so seriously. that made me remember one part where my mom said i said she was mentally unsound and i started laughing and told her not to put words in my mouth. think that made her mad. she probably thought i'm going nutz. but then again, i've always been the drama queen in this family. tho' i think none of my friends would categorise me as one... even if yes, not a very big drama queen hahaha. rowena said i'm not emotional per se, just feel very strongly about things.

maybe go swimming.... so hot.

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