crossing frontiers

Jan 04, 2009 23:35

Caught Australia with Carlene last night, and I honestly can't fathom why the reviews are soooo bad.  Mr Luhrmann has never been known for producing movies with amazing plots, so I don't know why people expected that and I read a review that criticised Nicole Kidman's cut-glass accent - her character's from England, she's supposed to have that accent! DUH!  Anyway, Carlene's said it all already, so I refer you to her instead hehehe.  After watching the film, I'm filled with the urge to go horse-riding and also to watch Romeo and Juliet again.  Oh, and if nothing else, watching Nicole Kidman's attempt to herd the cattle with an arm in the air going "HAAARRRR!!!!!" was so hilarious, it's worth the entire 2 hours 45 minutes.  And Hugh Jackman's soooo hot. *swoon* Dear Universe, please send me a man like that.

I can't believe I'm going back to Tokyo tomorrow already.  It seems so fast.  And yet not.  I feel like I'm in some strange time warp.  It's less traumatic going back this time, cos there's much less guilt about not being here with my mom.  I'm not looking forward missing my family and friends, nor do I feel like jumping into the cold again and starting work!  But there should be more time and room to start exploring Tokyo and other places properly after end February when I start getting income again.  Hopefully, people will decide to invest in improving their English since the economy isn't doing great.  I'm contemplating finding an extremely part-time job at a florist's - obviously not for the money, but for the experience and just to try it out.  I'm quite looking forward to the adventures 2009 will bring.  I wonder what's in store.
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