Goodbye 2008, Hello 2009~

Dec 31, 2008 11:15

I can't quite believe that the year is over. Yet the angsty-ness of last December and this January does seem rather far away. It surely is a sign of aging that time passes so quickly! 2008 had some big revelations for me, but I feel ready to charge on ahead now.

I'm usually not into the New Year Resolution thing and prefer to set a "theme" to remind myself each year, but this year, I decided to SuperNanny myself and set one new rule to follow per week. The only rule for this plan is to stick to each new rule for at least 30 days (inspired by Carlene & Steve Pavlina), even though it apparently takes only 21 days for a habit to stick, 30 is probably best for stubborn people like myself.

So far, it appears the main themes for 2009 are about health and spirituality. Secondary are those about efficiency, eco-thingies and probably money, that necessary but evil thing we all need. So I decided that Q1 is specifically about getting fit and getting my sleep pattern in order. I actually started on 28 December (cause I'm into moon phases so I'm following them to start/end things) to work on this fitness ladder. Hopefully after 3 months, I won't feel like an elephant running from its mortal enemies after I run for the train at Shibuya. I'm sure the elephant feels better than me actually. The goal is to reach the Lifetime Ladder Rung 25 on April 19. And also go back to that 100 push-ups thing I was trying this year. Separate from the health thing, the other major thing is I probably want to take this Soul Realignment at some point in 2009. Was talking to baudelaire_twin and she's also going through some things of her own, so we're probably gonna be growth buddies :)

Obviously I'm not good at planning too far ahead, The Plan currently runs out of weekly rules as of 9 May. LOL. That said, I'm waiting to go back to Tokyo and check my nutrition book for more good habits to incorporate :)

Saw this article on how expectations affect our perception. It's a good thing I'm looking forward to 2009 haha, die-hard optimist that I am. Happy New Year, everyone!!!~


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