This is the first of my two New York picture posts. I really can't remember what day this covers up to, but yeah. Fairly image heavy, but the pictures are quite small - click for biggerness.
Fairly self explanatory. Viya was fast asleep in Yates' at this point.
Apparantly you're not allowed to take pictures of the plane? I didn't know this, so I took two pictures, and was told to delete the second one.
Our first view of the city, when we got off the bus at Port Authority. We were lost almost immediately, and hid in Starbucks until we worked out how to get to the hostel.
Uptown view from outside our hostel.
Toys'r'us in times Square. It was absolutely packed in there, but brilliant nonetheless. They have a ferris wheel right in the middle of the store.
Times Square.
Josh Groban CD in Starbucks. Wahey :D
Radio City Music Hall. Um, obviously.
I loved Bloomingdales. I got some great presents in there, and a really cute Ralph Lauren top for my brother.
Unforturnately, we didn't go in a yellow cab. We ran out of time - and besides, we had no money left!
Outside the IBM building, I think. Or next to it.
The entire trip would have been worth it just for this one show, even if we hadn't had time to do anything. There are different costumes, different props, different songs and a few lyric changes. Gavroche gets to sing this lovely song, which I think was called Ten Little Soldiers. One of young Cosette's verses from Castle on a Cloud got cut, which was the only change I didn't like.
Poster for The Farnsworth Invention, right opposite Broadhurst. I went to see about getting tickets, but decided not to in the end.
This is, arguably, the most important picture, given that the trip was born out of wanting to see John Owen Jones on Broadway. Viya took it, and it turned out blurry. /Sigh/ Ah well, he was lovely. I spent a few minutes jumping up and down over the fact that he was leaning his head against mine. We asked him if he had any plans to come back to London, and he said "maybe". Eep. His voice was possibly even better than in London, and I was sobbing through a good number of his songs. Bring Him Home got the most amazing reception.
A Company poster! I love this show, and its just a shame it finished on BRoadway earlier in the year. I'd love to see it - I've only ever heard the cast recordings. Raul Esparza = nnngggghhh.
Macy's Toy Department. WOW. There are no words to describe how brilliant it was. I could have bought the entire store!
This was our only wet weather day, and so must have been Sunday. It rained pretty much non stop, but it was New York rain and therefore enjoyable.
This was a great little market which we wondered around.
View from a shop window (I think it was Filey's Basement, or something like that).
Part 2 may be up tomorrow. Or not, depending on how much work I actually get done.