Nov 16, 2009 08:36
Words (Written Today): 1,857
Words (Total as of Today): 29,206/50,000
Mood: Rusty
Treat: 2012!!! Disaster/Apocalypse movies FTW!!!
First Line (Written Today): Cheers erupted from the crowd.
Last Line (Written Today): “After all,” said Arya, “Demyan and I have a history together as well.”
Favorite Line (Written Today): “Bah,” she said, throwing her hands in the air. “Decades I have watched over these shores, Demyan Shadowsoul. Centuries in which Azrehl and his kind have threatened our way of life. Not once…not one time in all of those years have they ventured here. Not. Once.”
“This time will be different,” he said to her. “This time, they will come. This time, Illowen will not escape.”
Oh, sigh. I have to apologize for the lack of updates over the last week- Week 2 ate my soul. I also took the weekend off to go to Sew Expo with my mommy, which was very much fun but not good at all for production. My word-cushion has quickly dissapeared! But now it's Week Three and I expect things to get better, so hoorah for that!
I'm in a weird place in the draft (both NaNo-wise and regular-draft-wise) and sort of feel like I'm getting tunnel-vision. I think a read-through may be in order, but I'm not sure. Maybe I'll go in tonight and chapterize, if I have some extra time.
nano 2009,
cry the wolven