Oct 21, 2004 16:19
hello hello my little babes. It has been a while. Fall is here and I LOOOOVE it. I'm really excited. Driving next week with my caaaa. I am so so so excited! I'll come visit you. Cross country is over, sad but a relief at the same time! I get to go home at 2!!!! ah crazy. I read this in an email from my good ol' yatesy today and it couldn't explain me better . . .
"I say that I want God’s will to be done- and I say I surrender it all to him… but something inside me still wants what I want. I’m discovering that this is a false trust. I want to trust God enough where I don’t question him anymore. Just pure reliance on Him and believing that he knows what he’s doing a billion times better than I do. I don’t want to pray with an agenda for my life already laid out- telling him what he should do and who he should work and move- and expecting him to approve-I can picture him laughing at me now…."
That is so true. Last night I had a lot of fun with wheels and alex and kim and claire and duff and just being with friends .. . ah. Homecoming was so fun, once again my friends are amazing. Katie and Josh have been dating a YEAR now. I mean I think back to last year and I think of the little family. . . ah hahaha. We had so much fun. Nights in Pungo and after football game hang outs. mmmm I loved all those tiems and I'm so glad I can look back and smile. ROCKBRIDGE is coming and I can't even wait ahhh everyone has to go. I'm so excited that Jenn Harr is going, she rocks.
p.s. I'm fat. Just ask lauren.