Oct 07, 2004 22:54
Va US feels sooooo good. Today I go in there and she is playing music, I wanted to dance . . . but I was too shy. haha imagine that. Homecoming week will be a blast, I have to dress up like a freak show everyday which will be interesting! SPICE UP YOUR LIFE. I hate to say it but I am so over cross country right now . . . ick. Once it ends I'm giving myself a full week just to go home - and love it. Then I'll get back to my thannnng. So I drive really really soon and I'm sooooo excited! I'll come visit you and it will be so fun :-) Ah the possibilities. October is sweet, bush gardens, homecoming, G love, nags head with Galilee are all looking awesome. Alright well I'm out. have a good weekend. p.s. juniors rock you. p.p.s. I miss having aim and not being able to talk to you whenever.