
Jun 28, 2012 17:36

He had known me from ages 14 to 18 and I have actively been trying to hunt him down ever sense. I would find leads but nothing would ever happen...At one point it was only me,Glass and Norm. It feels like such along time ago...This was way before I could have possabuly known what life had in store for me... we would go to Norm's house after school and chow down on junk food and soda. We would watch Dragon ball Z that Norm had recored the night before...we where so into the chracters at that point...Each of us stood by our man and insisted he was the best. Me:Piccolo,Glass:Frieza,Norm:Vegeta. We never got tired of imatateing Ginyu force either...Me: Jeice,Glass:Burter,Norm: RECOOME! When Norm started to grab Trunk's style allot of people got on him about it but I always thought it was grate.
We had Hell Raizer fridays wher we would watch all the Hell Raizer moives back to back. And any other Cliver Barker and Stephin King moives we could get our hands on.
We would listen and Dance out to Nine Inch Nails and Apex Twin....
Club Evil couldn't have been anything without it's founders. Glass:Presdent,Me:Vice Presedent and Norm was really the most impotaint he was Stelth..he could recall anyones locker combo just by seeing it once..if we ever needed anything we couldn't get our hands on Norm always could.
We had huge fire pits with exsplosives and penty of runnung about town investagateing abandoned buldings. We also hung out at Diemond day ranch for hours at a time witch i didn't mind...I recall Norm getting inspired by the cover art of The Fragle and takeing pictures in that style. It was amazing and he had taken tons of them...he really should have done something with that...
Our problems and secrits. We all had them even back then. Norm had ALLOT of them....But I never faulted him for that. I excepted him for what he was and that was that.
it all makes sense now....
he was in and out of Buttler and places like that threw out those years...he would even sometimes write to me from those places when he was there untill he came back home.
Last Thursday night he killed him self. Now all I have left of him is a few notes,some mixed Tapes and one picture of me at his house...and allot of memorys...I regreet time changeing us and my misplaceing of our friendship...although he was not a big fan of people so..he probly was hideing from me and Glass all these years.
Norm may Cenobites take you to the other side and if you gotta Haunt me I hope you do.I miss the Hell out of you my friend. R.I.P forever.
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