Better things!

Sep 10, 2009 16:36

I never posted about my birthday!  I had a great time, I actually had a little party this year with lots of good friends, good foods and videogames, lol!  We met up at Kitakata Everyday Japanese food, it was so good!  Yes, I work at a Japanese restaurant so why would I go for my birthday?  My place is super fancy and specializes in sushi....I just want simpler stuff sometimes like noodles and rice bowls, lol!  So Kitakata was perfect, there was something for everyone!  It's not a big place so I think they were really happy we came and got so much, lol!

I got lots of neat presents!  My Mom surprised me a week before my birthday to tell me she ordered me a super awesome Singer Futura Embroidery machine!  You can convert any digital images into embroidery, omg, I have so many opportunities with that!  I set it up and got a few materials to get me started, I just haven't had time to officially embroider anything yet.....but oh I will!  Now I can finally start cranking out some professional cyber styled fashions for my site!  My big issue before was I couldn't efficiently make embellishments that weren't over time consuming, expensive, or in limited supplies only.  My Mom has been so cool about supporting my business, and now that she's not living with that Bob anymore she can focus on things she wants to do, which includes helping me out, yay!  I also got lots of neat giftcards and toys from my awesome friends!  Thanks again guys! ;3

Gameworks was alot of fun!  We played lots of games and Jeremey actually showed up this year!  Every year around my birthday is always crunch time for his haunted house business so he has had a hard time making it to my birthday.  Last year he didn't make it at all, and intended to make it up to me but nothing.  He says we will do something later for my birthday after he has money again, right now he has no job or back up funding so I understand.

On other good things, I have had one big secret commission that has been on and off for the past 3 years.....and I'm FINALLY almost done!  XD  I will be sooooo happy to have it out of the way.  All this time I always felt even when I had a little time to spare there was always that project hanging over my head.  Soon I will free at last!

Today was the inspection day for Jer's haunt, so everything had to be built by 1pm today.  He had been busting his ass all summer for this and the past 2 weeks he's been spending 12hour or more on it each day.  He says they finally finished with just a few minutes to spare and the inspector was really cool, so they passed!  I'm really excited for him, maybe now he can relax more and not be killing himself for the next few weeks.  In previous years there were always still building until opening day, but this year they still have a few more weeks until they open.  AND since it's a permanent location there should be NO MORE LONG SUMMERS OF BUILDING!!!  sweet.....that's such a freakin' relief!

Right now I'm going to rearrange my room so I finally have some more space for my business stuff....I really need it more than ever with that new big machine.  ^^"  I have IKEA poles in the middle of the room which are bolted into the ceiling.  I originally put them there 3 years ago because I saw a neat idea in my Ikea catalouge that you could use the poles and shelves as a room divider and a desk.  It works well, but now I need more room and there's only so much space when that thing is bolted in the center of the room....I can only move things around it.    Lets hope that goes well!  XD
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