I need more desserts....

Aug 13, 2009 02:27

We went to Comic Con this weekend!  It was fun, I didn't buy much or really see panels.  Mostly I wanted to go shopping the dealer room with Steffannee and check out Artist Alley so I can see what folks are up to, maybe get some ideas.  Then we saw GI Joe, it was a blast!  I didn't really watch the original show, I saw like maybe 5 episodes.  But I knew it wasn't canon, like none of it.  Sounds like I was right!  We had alot of fun joking Snake Eyes though!  We think he should do movie reviews!

Since Steffannee and I are food snobs, we went to this super fancy bakery I always wanted to check out!  It's Lana's Dazzling desserts, and they really were pretty amazing!  It's not a huge place but everything was really pretty and detailed, and yummy to boot!   We each got some small treats to eat there and a box to take home.  We will totally go again!


This weekend is Anime Iowa.  Honestly, I don't really do cons and do anything con related anymore.  I just go to sell stuff and see friends while I'm there.  We still have $2700 worth of stuff to sell.  I just need to sell $400 to make profit, so hope that goes well.

It will be good to get out of town for a weekend though.  I am honestly super depressed.  The past several years all my big plans to finally get ahead have failed.  Opportunities keep popping up, I get my hopes up, then they fall through.  I'm sick of failing and I'm running out of options.  I'm glad I at least have my aunt in Canada as back-up but that's a last resort.  I'm always the type to keep on trucking, but I'm really loosing mommentum.

I'm stuck in my room all day lately since I am getting so much work at home now.  I'm happy for the work, but I am literally going stir crazy being cooped up all day....everyday.  I don't have a car and pretty much all my friends are way too busy so I can maybe see them once a month.  Just going for a walk doesn't cut it.  I noticed loose my grip after awhile, like I get nuerotic and I cry alot, so I loose time on projects.  When I feel better it lasts awhile, but it's a constant circle of me loosing my mind and getting paranoid about everything.  I always snap out, but I always fall into it again.

I have no outlet either....I can't draw for fun because that time needs to be for commissions, nor can I sew for fun.  Now that the haunt season is drawing closer I'm probably only going to see Jeremey twice a month now.  I'm trying to think about things to look forward to now, but I'm so bummed out I'm not even happy about the convention this weekend or my birthday in 2 weeks.  And no, it's not pms.  :p
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