Facebook/Twitter connections... wtf?

Sep 01, 2010 15:57

Soo... I'm not really interested in having my journal connected to my facebook, to be perfectly honest.

I don't really get what's happening with the whole Facebook/Twitter thing, but I am really just hoping that it will go away so I don't have to deal with it.  Damn social networking sites.

On the bright side, classes start in a week!  I am insanely thrilled to be taking Spanish, Archaeology and Physical Anth this term.  Everything else is just kind of boring.  I am really not interested in taking linguistics, but I have to have 1.5 credits of it for my degree, so i may as well get it out of the way.  I only have to suffer through one term of it before I'm free!

I'm also now first on the waitlist for Anth 394, Applied Anth of HIV/AIDS, for second term.  I can't wait to take it!

Aaand I got a hair cut today.  Fascinating stuff.  It's actually really cute, changed up my bangs a bit, looks fabulous with my new high heels and faux-leather jacket.

Well that's it, TTFN, ta-ta for now!


spanish, hair, fashion, social networking, school, anthropology

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