Apr 18, 2009 17:05
It seems like an interesting concept. I want to read 100 books in one year. I would be almost 4 days to read an entire book. Easy for some, harder for others. In my life, I have read many books. I have Re-Read hundreds of them. There are some books I can't live without and others that I can't seem to get into but read anyway.
I wanted to read GREAT AMERICAN CLASSICS but for the most part, they are uninteresting. Catcher in the Rye is a good example. I understand, at least somewhat, what the writer was trying to accomplish in his book but the amount of praise that the book got and the amount of Media it got seems somewhat unwarranted. I'm going to start my 100 books in one year with Franny and Zooey by the same author if I can find it. Maybe then I can better understand the appeal of Catcher in the Rye. The only issue I can see with the 100 books in one year is money. We can't spend tons of money on books but if I can find a lot of them in paperback at bookmans, we should be okay.
Suggest some books, keeping in mind I have 4 days to read them and I work full time, so nothing like War and Peace. I will save those for another year. :)
1. Franny and Zooey (maybe if I can find it) Oo
P.S. I got the idea from Pajiba if you've ever been and I've been wanting to read more lately so it works out!
P.P.S. I forgot that libraries exist. That's how long it's been since I have read.