I agree with Spongehair Squarechin

Apr 04, 2011 23:13

I'm sorry Cory, your "time step" is awesome and all, but I think this is my new favourite dance move. I seriously cannot stop laughing at his face, oh DCriss ♥ And the best part is, there are even more images just like this! The person who put these tutorials together is a genius, trufax. I was having a bit of a crappy, lethargic day, but it was totally made after I got linked to these. I don't think I've laughed this hard since watching a certain few movies during spring break.

I was half-expecting (read: hoping) to get a phonecall asking me to go into work today, but if that didn't happen I planned to be productive. I went to the supermarket to get the bits of shopping mum and I forgot on our 3:30am shopping trip Saturday (but still managed to forget a couple of things because I hadn't written them on my list, derp), washed my bedding, did the ironing, mopped the kitchen floor and cleaned the bathroom. Then I planned to do some writing, which should have been made easier by the fact that LJ was down most of the day, thus meaning I had nothing to distract me. Didn't quite work that way though, mostly I just spent several hours pouting and f5-ing/reading the couple of fics I already had open and feeling like I've misplaced my ability to write. I think if I just force myself to start writing, even if what I end up with doesn't make much sense to start with, it'll be okay. I just need to get back in the swing of things and stop over-thinking. My new plan is to do this tomorrow; I don't really have anything else that needs doing so in theory I've got all day to get something down on paper.

...I kind of miss deadlines. I work best under pressure, but at least with those I knew I had no choice but to write [x] amount, regardless of how crappy it was.

foiled again by choreography, dancing, housework is soothing, writing, lj wry u do dis

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