(no subject)

Apr 01, 2011 11:18

The 'recommended videos' thing on youtube is dangerous. I just went on there to find a video of something to show someone else, but instead I got stuck watching Mock the Week clips for about half an hour, because one was sitting there in the recommended box. I need more of that show in my life.

I woke up at 8:45 this morning - of my own accord! Which is the first time that's happened since Saturday. Dragging myself into a state of consciousness has been an ongoing battle all week, not helped by the fact that I've been having trouble getting to sleep at night. I thought yesterday I would have had more luck; my brother and I got the Wii game 'Just Dance 2' and spent over two hours playing it yesterday afternoon. We pretty much danced until we were ready to drop from exhaustion and it was AMAZING. I found myself actually kind of missing that muscle burn from when I used to dance. I miss exercise. The warm up on the game isn't that good - my shoulders are aching a bit this morning, but the game itself is great and the routines are fun. But anyway, I was so tired I figured it would be pretty easy falling asleep, but alas, no such luck.

I don't know if it's because I woke up early, but I actually remembered my dream from last night. All week I've woken up with that feeling that I dreamed something but it was only that vague sensation that it was a bit weird, and details could not be grasped. Not so last night: I dreamt that mavilous came to visit! I went to collect her from the airport (with a third person, but I can't remember who that was now), except it somehow changed from London Heathrow to...Leicester? Which doesn't even have an airport, so I don't know what that was about. Anyway, we were there and Mikayla was like "so are we finding a hotel here for the night or travelling straight to your house?", and we decided to try and find a hotel, but we didn't have much luck. We wandered around the streets for ages, until suddenly I was like "WAIT I remember where the Travel Lodge is now! We need to head back towards the train station!" (not true. Apparently my subconscious is even worse with directions than I am irl.) So off we went, and stayed the night, then the next morning we got the train back to my house and Mikayla met my mum, and the two of them had a conversation about why Mikayla spells her name that way. I can't remember what reason Mikayla gave now, but I know it was something pretty silly and amusing.

And that was it. It was such a dumb dream. I think I'm glad it didn't make much sense (in terms of location and whatnot), otherwise I might have woken up thinking it was true :(

youtube, wii: just dance 2, dancing, dream, friends

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