Mar 20, 2008 23:11
Though I know about the "Livejournal Strike" of 2008, that I feel compelled to adhere to, despite my complete ignorance on why this happening, I figure 11:14 is a prime moment to post.
I seem to have either a) lost my mind, or b) entered someone else's body as of the last few days. A few nights ago, I woke up in extreme panic over a VERY real dream I had, going as follows:
I was a teacher. In the seventies, perhaps even late 60's, but going on the fact that the entire dream was panned out in yellow undertones [imagine a seventies Polaroid], I'm sticking with the Disco Era. The classroom was small and confined, with rows of dark wood bookshelves and surprisingly modern desks. I taught with a green-blackboard and bright white chalk was always in my hand -- and lots of tweed was involved whenever I looked down at my own body. Brown tweed.
Suddenly, I was called into another room and fired on the spot. Technically, given a choice to resign. My alternate job, which was oddly offered in this tiny, cramped office was a Registered Nurse. Making about 4.00 an hour more than I did teaching. Or, as my last choice, have no job. I chose the RN position and walked bravely out to my kids, giggling and all in sweatshirts, pants with holes and the like, and said, "Bye, kids!" and walked out, tears blurring my vision.
Now cut to a few weeks later. I'm walking past the window I taught at [which was apparently a large college campus judging by the surrounding buildings//mass of people//college flair], with someone I somehow knew to be my boyfriend. He was fantastically attired in a navy newsboy cap and grey peacoat with a red scarf and short black pants showing off his black socks and black patent leather shoes. He was also carrying a pile of books and a messenger bag. Hm. Another girl was with us, and other than the fact I knew she was at least ten years younger than either of us, I knew nothing else about her.
Anyway, I peered into the window and saw a gaggle of sad faces; hands in palms, blank stares. Strangely, no one noticed me looking into the window. Except the professor. Who gave me a piercing glare from behind tortoise shell perfectly round glasses. His receding hairline and extreme facial hair scared me, and his red sweater with matching red plaid collar made me nervous. His lips pursed, and I looked, and walked, away.
End of dream. Sweaty wake up and immediate journal entry.
Next, cut to today. I fall asleep on the couch after a long, tortuous day. When I wake up [and let me put in a reminder here that this is reality], I can't figure out my way around. I stumble to the bathroom and spend the next ten minutes attempting to turn the light on by flicking at the outlet on the wall. The light switch is on the other side. Then, I can't figure out the faucet and how to turn it on [right to left or left to right], let alone which is cold and which is hot. It was a nightmare.
And I am.