Apr 26, 2004 12:04
OK! so, i had to call her saturday cuz i got home and i just had this worried feeling for a few days. like she wasn't doing well at all, i was affraid that she was doing wrong things, either hurting herself or wutever ya know? so i call just to check up on her and see if she was alright. so i call, i'm outside so i don't wake my nephew or mom. it's like around....lemme check phone actually.....11:30 is when i called her. she was with jimmy and adella. jimmy's a coooool cat. :) i was like oh, ok. she wanted to call me back in like 5 min. when she got home. although we talked for a lil bit when i first called, she was surprised i called, and was like, how are you? lol yea, all that good stuff.
so she calls back in like 10 min. said sorry of course for taking so long. so we talked for a lil tiny bit, she told me in the first convo that she had gone dancing at this place i know of with some work people. i was so happy for her, she's actually out doing things, good clean things ya know? :) i was happy. so we did NOT talk about anything important. told her 'bout my car. and that was it. then she was all, "i am so tired" and i told her i had been all day too, falling asleep. so she says, "well, i should go then. i gotta wake up early." blah blah blah.
i just don't understand what she is thinking!! does she miss me? does she miss our friendship AT ALL!!??? *sigh* i dunno. but i DO know that i want this resolved some how. i want to know how we're gonna be. cuz if we BOTH don't know then it's not resolved....to me anywayz, i dunno, maybe i should......no. see, if i just think of it as one way, and she doesn't know, like say i just want us to be a talk like twice a month, and she doesn't know that, then she might be confused and then confuse me in the process lol so i want us both to know wut's goin' on. and she sounded pretty good...
she sounded like she was doing well, and i asked her and she said she was. she sounded pretty sincere as well. :) i was glad at that. but i'm sure she like has a boyfriend or something. and, i dunno, maybe it's cuz i don't know for a fact, but i'm alright with that. i guess.......:( i don't think i will be if she actually told me though. i dunno. i think it's cuz i know how that's gonna go. she's gonna do things with him she's gonna regret and then he's gonna break her FUCKIN' heart. grrrrrrr
yea, so that's that. but i did get a car! :-D cool huh? :) finally me with wheels that won't die on me. *sigh of relief* hehe k, lata joker babe!