Dec 19, 2005 00:05
My dvd player broke Ohnoooo. But we have 2 yaaaaayy. Theres a dvd stuck in there though. Good ol' Blockbuster one too. YEEhaw
So in more mundane news, my hair is ALLL brown. No more blond! The last straw was when I went to 426 and noticed that all the women bartenders had the same blend of 2-tone hair. For some reason, this was a real decision catalyst. Also, I forgot how to write decision for a second there. Tyler said I looked like the girl from the Shining. Its ironic because I used to have massively bucked teeth. And an insane husband!
So get this, if I wasnt in school I could technically( well no, I COULD BE) an assistant manager at Cinnabon. That sounds lame, but the pay is similar to government. In one way, it makes me regret schoool, but in another.. its just effing money WHO CARES. meh. In yet another way, I talk about my work too much hahahah.
And like always, I should be studying! YAYY!
My sister's pet rat had an operation on Friday, she had a tumour:( She pulled through and now shes on antibiotics. I had to hold her today (the rat), which Ive never done before. It was kind of weird... I dont understand how something that small can live through surgery. And they had to shave her with a mini-rate shaver typer thing. Anywho im really not going anywhere with this, other than the rat is okay and awesome.