One last thing...

Jul 14, 2007 23:24

I've been meaning to do this. Lists of what I could not do before surgery, and what I will do and/or already can do.


Things I couldn't do before the surgery (AKA The Days of 6-Motrin-Every-4-Hours):
Bend down
Stand on my tip toes
Walk normally (i.e. without pain)
Laugh loudly
Walk in a straight line
Respond to a reflex test in either leg, at both the knee and the foot
Balance myself while walking or standing (i looked drunk all the time)
Be squeezed
Turn my head left or right quickly
Lie on my back
Lean backwards
Transition from sitting or laying down to standing up without throbbing, stabbing pain
Feel my legs
Have my legs be touched (hypersensitive)
Walk for any distance

Since my surgery, I now have reflexes in both of my legs at the knee and at the foot. I can sneeze without that radiating, potentially fatal pain. I can cough, and I do frequently. It doesn't hurt. ITS SO AMAZING!!!! I can walk longer now than I could before the surgery, and that's almost laughable because I am not recovered in any complete sense at this point. My balance is better (at times) than it was before, laying on my back is a joyous and pain-free activity, and peeing is uneventful! My legs aren't hypersensitive, either...but they *are* still numb. Eh, give and take.

What I'm going to be doing goddamn soon:
Jump rope
Dodgeball or something akin
Making complex meals that require the adept use of all available limbs
Water skiing
Running up and down staircases
Chasing my dog down the street
Training for a marathon (ha, yeah right)
Going on the Booze Cruise with all my old nurses and physical therapists (nothing like celebrating walking by willingly losing the ability to walk)
Sacrificing my leg brace to the Gait Gods
Walk only on my heels because I still can't use my left heel
Not putting off anything ever again because it sucks so bad being unable to help yourself.
Drinking until I pass out
Walking to classes
Deciding to do random shit with my friends and being able to do it
Morphing into a power ranger
Riding rollercoasters (even though i was strongly advised not to)
Traveling to Europe
Sit ups
Exercising my ASS off
Convincing the religious right that we all descended from chimpanzees (wait, i think this belongs on a different list...)
Being a scatter brained mess and darting from one room to the next, forgetting what I needed every other second
DDR (even though I suck horribly at that game)

And i *hate* running.
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