SOLD! Science and Technology Advice/Critique for a Work of Fiction

Jul 04, 2008 18:15

I will read up to 20,000 words of a work of science fiction and review it for scientific plausibility. I can also suggest scientific (or pseudo-scientific, in case the technology doesn't currently exist) explanations to support your plot.

My Qualifications:
I am a Ph.D. candidate in Biomedical Engineering, and I have 4 years of lab research experience in developing technology for improving human health. I can offer you advice in chemistry, biology, brain sciences and engineering. If you need help in another field, ask me in comments. I may know someone with expertise in that area.

Fandoms I am most familiar with are Torchwood, Dr. Who, Harry Potter and The X-files. If your work is fanfiction in a fandom I'm not familiar with, I'll ask you for some background resources.

I can advise you on issues like:

- Genetic Engineering: How easily DNA can be changed; What it can and cannot do.
- Evolution: Why an alien looks the way it does; What kind of species could live on a certain type of planet.
- Brain/Computer Interfaces: How characters can interact with a computer through a direct link with their minds.
- Brain Chemistry: How hormones or drugs can change someone's behavior.
- Medicine: Fictional diseases, both physical and psychiatric, along with symptoms and treatments.
- Medical Technology: What kind of life support or prosthetic devices a human or alien might need; What a vaccine can and cannot do.
- Chemistry or Materials Science: What kind of substance an artifact is made of.

Contact: bobthemole at gmail

Delivery: Within 3 weeks from receipt of your document, if received by August 15. If you don't expect to need this service before August 15, please let me know so we can discuss a schedule.

Minimum Bid: $15

Buy it now: $75

offered: critique, seller: bobthemole, offered: misc services, sold

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