Offered: Beta for fanfic or original fic

Jul 03, 2008 16:28

Offer: For the top three bidders, I will beta your fanfic or original fic. I have worked professionally as an editor, and can offer a thorough, excellent critique and a good proofread for grammar/spelling/punctuation errors. In the fandoms I'm in, I can also (usually) provide good characterization critique.

I am a very hard beta, and will give you very honest criticism.

I am very familiar with the following fandoms and would do best with them for canon and characterization: "Angel: the series" (including the season six comic, "After the Fall"), "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" (movie, show, and some of the comics), "Doctor Who" (8th, 9th and 10th Doctors, plus all of their Companions), "Farscape" (all four seasons and "The Peacekeeper Wars" miniseries), "Firefly" (show, movie, "Those Left Behind" comic book), "Good Omens," "Harry Potter" (all seven books and all five movies), "Heroes" (both seasons), "Jekyll" (complete Steven Moffat series), "Pirates of the Caribbean" (all three movies), "Torchwood" (both seasons), and "X-Men" (movieverse, all three films).

I am passingly or partially familiar with the following fandoms, and can beta certain characters or up to a certain point in canon: Terry Pratchett's "Discworld" (Albert, Death, Mort, Ysabell, Susan Sto-Helit, Lord Vetinari, Quoth the Raven and the Death of Rats only), Neil Gaiman's "The Sandman" (The Endless only, pre-"The Kindly Ones" and "The Wake"), "The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy" (only up to "So Long And Thanks For All The Fish"), Jeff Lindsay's "Dexter" series (first two books only, not the third book or the show), "The Dresden Files" (TV show only, haven't read the books), "Fantastic Four" (movieverse only, no comics), "Ironman" (movieverse only, no comics), "X-Men" (mostly the works of Chris Claremont, Joss Whedon and Joe Quesada), "Supernatural" (first season only), Homer's "The Iliad" and many related texts of the cyclic epics (Trojan War only, and only the major players, such as Achilles, Patrochlus, Agamemnon, Helen and the Trojan royal family), Arthurian myth (I've seen many, MANY Arthur movies, but have only read T.H White's "The Once and Future King," Marion Zimmer Bradley's "The Mists of Avalon" and Sir Walter Scott's "The Lady of the Lake"), some of the works of William Shakespeare (e-mail me for a list of plays I've read, if it's important), and some of the works of Stephen King (e-mail for a list of which books I've read/movies I've seen, if it's important).

What I'll Read: Almost anything you can dish out at me. Gen, het, slash, femslash, incest, crossgen, BDSM, non-con, torture, gore, you name it.

What I Won't Read: Scat, water sports, or sexual abuse of a child.

Contact: heather [dot] cotter [at] gmail [dot] com.

Delivery: I can usually finish a beta the same day I receive the story, but varies depending on the length. If it's over 10,000 words, I'll probably need a few days, up to a week.

Minimum bid: $5.

tv: angel, tv: farscape, book: dexter, movie: x-men, tv: supernatural, book: good omens, movie: harry potter, tv: heroes, fandom: greek mythology, rpf: greek and roman historical, offered: editing, seller: darlas_mom, tv: buffy the vampire slayer, other: greek mythology, other: shakespeare, comic: x-men, fandom: yours, offered: beta, other: mythology, tv: doctor who, tv: firefly, book: harry potter, comic: sandman, movie: pirates of the caribbean, book: discworld, tv: jekyll, book: the hitchhiker's guide to the gala, movie: iron man, tv: torchwood

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