Offered: Fanfic (daily ficlets)

Jul 03, 2008 16:09

Offer: I plan to write and post a fanfic/ficlet every day of August, self-contained, at a minimum of 100 words. (I did this for the months of January through most of April as well - the results are here.) The winning bidder can give me any number of prompts (at least 20, please), and I promise to write fics that follow at least ten of them over the course of the month. I will write anything below an R rating, and tend to do better with genfic, though any other genre is definitely not out of the question. These ficlets are typically between 100 - 500 words, though it's not uncommon for them to be ten times that length. The ficlets will be posted on my own journal with credit, but will not be posted elsewhere unless you give permission.

Available fandoms:
- Doctor Who (Classic and New, BFAs, EDAs, etc.)
- House MD
- Sherlock Holmes
- Man from U.N.C.L.E.
- Sapphire and Steel
- The Prisoner
- The West Wing
- Danger Man
- The Sarah Jane Adventures
- The X-Files
- Crossovers
- Others (Much more amenable to writing different fandoms for this - ask me ahead of time!)

Contact: My e-mail is in my user info. You can also reach me on AIM.

Delivery: Your stories will be written over the course of the month of August. As long as I have the prompts by July 31st, I'll be happy!

Minimum bid: $5

I've also got a longer fic up for auction, and some Neopoints.

seller: eponymous_rose, tv: the west wing, tv: the x-files, tv: danger man, tv: doctor who, tv: the prisoner, tv: sapphire and steel, book: sherlock holmes, tv: house md, offered: fanfic, tv: the man from uncle, tv: the sarah jane adventures

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