Offered: Fanfic

Jul 02, 2008 15:28

Offer: I will write you a fic of no less than 1000 words in any of the following fandoms: Saiyuki (manga-verse only), Wild Adapter, Weiss Kreuz (Kapitel, Gluhen, drama CDs, Side B... Any of it, really), Babylon 5, or any of Shakespeare's comedies. I'm happy to write any pairing (or lack thereof), any rating, and any situation. The only things I won't write are shota/pedophilia and incest, except in those cases where it's canon.

Contact: notapooka[at]gmail[dot]com

Delivery: I will have your story written by October 31.

Minimum Bid: $10 US

seller: rhosyn_du, anime or manga: wild adapter, offered: fanfic, tv: babylon 5, other: shakespeare, anime or manga: weiss kreuz, anime or manga: saiyuki

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