Offered: Fanfic or Original Fic

Jul 02, 2008 18:37

Offer: I will write fanfic of at least 1000 words or more to specification for any one of the following fandoms or original fic:

- the Doctor Who fandom: any television, Big Finish or EDA/NA continuity. (Sorry, I really don't know PDAs very well.) What I don't know I will research. I will write any pairings or gen; will write to any rating as well. (If you end up wanting smut, be advised that I'm not expert at writing it and don't particularly want to write the squicky stuff.) Feel free to give me as much direction as you want regarding plot, characters, rating, style, et cetera. Samples can be found at my journal. I generally am stronger writing shorter fics, and can handle "rare" and non-canonical pairings with gay abandon.

- the Torchwood fandom: any television continuity, any pairings or gen.

- the Horatio Hornblower fandom: bookverse only, since although I discovered the fandom through the TV series I'm mainly a books fan. Any bookverse pairings or gen.

- Original fiction: I've at least three interconnected 'verses of varying degrees of science-fictionality, with varying elements of urban dystopia, magical realism, cyberpunk, police procedural and space opera mixed in. If you bid on this one, let me know which element appeals to you the most. Any pairing type or gen.

Contact: brewster at brewsternorth dot net.

Delivery: I will have your story written by November.

Minimum bid: $5.

Buy It Now: $25.

tv: doctor who, book: horatio hornblower, offered: fanfic, seller: brewsternorth, offered: original fiction, tv: torchwood

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