title is from one of the songs in today's topic (the 8th, to be exact). awesome album.
For one month, recommend/share:
Day 1 - Your favourite song.Day 2 - Your favourite album.Day 3 - Your favourite movie.Day 4 - Your favourite television programme.Day 5 - Your favourite quote.Day 6 - Whatever tickles your fancy.Day 7 - A photoDay 8 - A photo that makes you happy.Day 9 - A photo that makes you angry/sad.Day 10 - A photo of you taken at least ten years ago.Day 11 - A photo you took.Day 12 - Whatever tickles your fancy.Day 13 - A fictional book.Day 14 - A non-fictional book.Day 15 - A fanfic.Day 16 - A song that makes you cry (or nearly).Day 17 - A piece of art (painting, drawing, sculpture, etc.)Day 18 - Whatever tickles your fancy.Day 19 - A talent of yours.Day 20 - A hobbie of yours.Day 21 - A recipe.Day 22 - A website.Day 23 - A YouTube video.Day 24 - Whatever tickles your fancy.Day 25 - A song.Day 26 - An album.
Day 27 - A movie.
Day 28 - A television programme.
Day 29 - A quote.
Day 30 - Whatever tickles your fancy.
Day 26 - An album.
so this one's easy. i'm only going to talk about one album, holy shit! also it's 1:11 am as of now (make a wish! ...does that work? maybe only at 11:11) so i need to be getting to bed soon.
muse - the resistance
this is the latest album by muse, it came out either at the end of october or the beginning of november, i can't exactly remember. and it's brilliant. i don't know much about muse's older stuff so i can't compare it very well, but judging it on its own, i think it's amazing.
1. uprisingso for an opener, it's kind of unconventional i suppose. it starts off right away, like it kicks in at the very first beat. no leading in, nothing. just jumps right into the song. also this song is pretty political, i don't really know what's going on in england so i can't say what issues they're talking about, but it's generally about rising up against THE MAN, i suppose, or the government. hence the whole "uprising" title and all. pretty funny, the album cover for the single is a bunch of teddy bears rising out of holes in the ground. adorable & sinister all at once.
2. resistanceso the first time i listened to this song, i was like, meh. then i kept listening to the album and it grew on me like moss, man. or, like, super fast mold or something. i'll stop with the metaphors now. anyway, it's probably one of my favorite songs off the album now. i love the pace of the verses with the drumming - god, the drumming on this album. i love - the buildup into the chorus and how it just kind of explodes into "love is our resistance," if that makes any sense.
3. undisclosed desiresi talked about this song a couple posts back. i still maintain that it's the ballsiest song on the album, because it's so DIFFERENT from what anyone would expect from muse. it sounds SO R&B, but you listen to it and it's still clearly muse. and OH MAN do i love the bass on this song. i love bass guitar and it so often goes unheard in rock music (literally. the mixers just turn that shit wayyy down when they're mastering the songs, i swear), but this one's just in your face and loud and poppy (not in a pop way, but in a string popping way, yknow? how bass should be) and i just love it. also i love the beat.
4. united states of eurasia / collateral damagethis is the first song i heard from the album. my cousin downloaded it from the band's website and played it for me over the summer, and i was like WOW. it's got definite queen influences, you can hear it all over the song. the beginning sounds like bohemian rhapsody and then it swells into something like we are the champions and then it goes like arabian nights or something, man, i know that's not really queen but it ties in with the eurasia thing. also i love the drumbeat here. i have no clue why he's singing about the united states of eurasia, but he's matt bellamy, man. i barely understand half the shit he sings about to begin with. (knights of cydonia? flew right over my head, man. still have no idea what he means by that song.) collateral damage is the piano bit at the end, it leads directly into the next song.
5. guiding lightso let me say that i believe this to be a strong album. however, it does have a shift out of the captivating stage, like most albums do. like, there's a period of the album where you're just completely sucked in, and then a song comes on and it's like you're suddenly spit back out into the real world again and you're not lost in the music, you're sitting on your bed or wherever you are with a set of headphones in your ears. this would be that spot in the album for me. it's one of the weaker songs, in my opinion. good guitar solo, though. not super technically difficult - what the hell do i know, though, i'm lucky if i can tell one end of the guitar from the other - from what guitar solos i've heard before, but good and anthemic. the whole song is pretty anthemic, actually. still loving the drums.
6. unnatural selectionthe longest song on the album, clocking in at just under 7 minutes. another political song. i like this song, though. i like the mildly creepy beginning and then it just kicks up into this fast-paced guitar and the overall feel of the song is just so vicious, i love it. no idea how they manage to keep that up for 7 minutes, but they do. oh and matt bellamy's voice. it goes all over the place on this song. at the beginning it's low, by the end it's that matt bellamy shriek that he does every so often.
7. mk ultrathis song didn't grab me very much when i first heard it, gotta say. i'm still a bit meh about it. although i do love the intro. mk ultra was a CIA operation, they were fiddling around with drugs and trying for mind control. lovely, no? interesting subject matter. the lyrics fit in really well with that. and i gotta say i do love the melody in this song, especially paired with that bit from the beginning. if that makes any sense. i don't think it does.
8. i belong to you (mon coeur s'ouvre a ta voix)so apparently the only version that exists on youtube is the new moon version. which irks me a great deal, because the original version is SO MUCH BETTER. one of my favorite songs off the album, actually. it's like, poppy piano and lyric-driven, and then paired with the bit at the end, mon coeur s'ouvre a ta voix (which is CUT OUT OF THIS VERSION, quelle annoyance), it's just so good, i love it. i don't really think this song fits in with new moon very well, mostly because i am a snob and i don't think the twilight franchise has any business affiliating itself with muse. but muse are good sports i suppose and aren't going to diss stephenie meyer for being a fan of their music and they already lent supermassive black hole to twilight so they were probably like hell, why not? anyway, go find the actual version of this somewhere and listen to it, it's brilliant.
9. exogenesis: symphony part 1 (overture)the last three songs on the album are orchestrations arranged by matt bellamy, and they're one of the best parts of the albums. i'm not the hugest fan of classical music in any form, but i love this. love the strings.
10. exogenesis: symphony part 2 (cross-pollination)also love this one. the (minimal) lyrics are pretty straightforward, it kind of reminds me of jesus's execution and the ascension or something. hm, it's making me think about the bible. that can't be good, lol.
11. exogenesis: symphony part 3 (redemption)i love this one. it's so....i dunno how to describe it. the lyrics are basically saying "let's start this over again," and it really has that feel to it, that sort of end of one cycle-beginning of another one feel, if that makes any sense? i dunno, i think it's a great way to end the album.
so in summary, muse continues to be awesome and you should definitely download this album, if not pay for it. they are fucking amazing. the end.