Hi -
As promised, below is info on the Sydney-ish (Alexandria) house show Monday night. Hope to see you there. Donation-style, everybody just chip in and pay what you can.
Thanks to Seppuku (hope I spelled that right) folks for hosting, thanks to all for the warm welcome(s).
Oh, if you want to keep in touch, don't use this e-dress, use the links below...
**Jonah Sydney-ish House Show, Mon 25th Sept.**
What: Jonah rockin' a Sydney house...
Where: 54 Henderson Road, 2015, Alexandria
When: Mon 25th Sept. Show up at 8ish, I'll start at 8:30ish, play til...
How Much: Donation-style, $5-10ish
- Jonah
http://jonah.safewebshop.com - hot specials n free stuff now, have fun
http://www.jonahmatranga.com - come say hi
http://www.myspace.com/jonahsayshi - that way too