lets build this car, and drive to the berhamas!

Apr 30, 2008 16:47

 Guess who is going to the Yankee's game tonight, even if she is technically a Mets fan? Me! Missing American Idol, and ANTM though.

Standardized testing is possibly the most annoying thing ever. 4 days worth- 2 English (which I finished thank god), 1 math (which I find easy because I'm weird), and  1 Science (which I'm a bit worried about because my Science teacher last year was pretty bad. I did do well in that class though.) English is the worst, with the "Write a short story about a band that needs new uniforms for the Orange Bowl, and how they get them. 25 minutes, GO!" parts. Or a 5 paragraph literary essay in 45 minutes. I never, ever finish. And such stupid questions, like "2 parts from the story that make you think it takes place in earlier times." Um, well, the letter was dated 1897. And she included a penny for postage. On the bright side, one teacher promised Dunkin Donuts on Friday. And no homework.

Roller blading will be the death of me. 2 weeks starting the most recent Monday in gym class. I haven't had to yet because of strange scheduling, but I do tomorrow. Around the track which is bumpy and has hills. Last year I crashed into a fence. My plan is to convince the teacher I am bad enough to stay on the flat part. Shouldn't be too hard.
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