never, EVER watch ANTM for 9 hours straight unless you want to risk losing IQ points

Apr 22, 2008 23:03

 I had to have a physical so I can try out for cheerleading next year. Of course, I haven't had one in a few years so they decide to give me a bunch of shots. I had blood drawn from my finger, plus ones for meningitis, tetnis, and chicken pox. I thought I had all of those already..  Anyways, this was last night. Today I wake up with sore arms, a sore body, a headache, and a sore throat. And a 100.4 fever. All of this, but there was no school to begin with, so I didn't get to miss it. Where is the justice in getting sick if it doesn't get you out of school? And why did shots make me sick? Another reason onto the long list as to why doctors suck.
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