another post? thats an all time high for me.

Mar 11, 2008 18:59

People are so strange. There a bunch of people at school who listen to "alternative music" and like all of these random bands. Then Z100 (top 40 radio) has the "nerve" to play a song called "Shake It" by Metro Station. And all of the fans were pissed off, because one of the members is Miley Cyrus' brother, Trace, which brings publicity to them.  Also, because people consider themselves "fans" because they heard it on the radio. Now my thoughts are that bands want all of the fans they can get. Top 40 radio is pretty damn good to be played on. And if people decide they are "fans" because they like the music, whats so bad about it? They aren't "true fans" because they weren't fans before they heard it on the radio is what I've been hearing, but what makes people who go hunt for random bands better fans than people who hear it on the radio, then check out the band. I think its really weird logic, but if someone would like to explain it to me, go ahead.


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