I stopped leaving the house after Friday night.
Granted, that was a good night! First to the holiday sale and party at the Monroe Street vinyl shop, Strictly Discs. (Say that name out loud. Haha, you said "Strictly Dicks," didn't you??) Everything in store was at least 10% off, plus free beerz and snacks left and right.
Then the group moved to The Bayou for NOLA-style cuisine. Got Cajin-spiced cheese curds and an Abita Purple Haze. YUMMMM.
And then there was a snowstorm, and I was totally ready to cut myself off from the rest of the world. Tons o'reading, a long steamy bath, baking and cooking, and, well, two discs of Battlestar Galactica. Damn you,
pastoriekat , I am hooked!
Back to work I go... and I know it's time. I finally feel healthy and well-rested again.