New Year's Resolution: Go Back to Blogging

Jan 02, 2012 20:19

My stars! How long has it been since I've updated this thing? Are people still reading blogs? It's not that I've stopped coming to this website. There are two soccer communities that I frequently troll for news, pictures, and other media. I also read my Friend's Page once in a while, since I find other peoples' lives more interesting than mine.

After spending some time thinking and so forth, I've decided to go back to blogging. It's starting to become a dying form of creative release thanks to Facebook, Twitter, and other social media outlets. I miss lj and typing my thoughts for the interwebs.

Now I'm going to give some bullet point updates in life so far:

-I'm still dating my boyfriend Vas. New Year's Eve was our two year anniversary and we couldn't be happier with each other.

-I've started a writing gig with an arts and cultural events website. Basically, I attend and write articles on different arts and cultural events in the city. It's unpaid but I get exposure and free entry into different events.

-My finances suck and I've been searching for new work for a long time. I know it will come; I just have to be patient.

-I left my internship because my boss is an unappreciative ingrate.

-I've been attending alot of art shows in the city. Going to these shows have rekindled my lost passion for the Arts. Actually, I miss walking into a space that is filled with beauty, creativity, and eccentric people. Every time I enter an art gallery, I get this deep, soulful connection with the art on the walls. It sounds weird but yeah, it's true. One of my resolutions for this year is to attend more of these shows because these shows make me happy, deeply happy.

-Over the Christmas holidays, I got food poisoning from the food that I ate at my Dad's house. I couldn't eat solid foods for two straight days. Now I feel better and am eating properly again.

-My brother's girlfriend brought her 20 month old daughter (my niece) to my house on Boxing Day. My baby niece Sadie is so so so beautiful and having her around was so much fun. I love my niece and chasing her around the house and teaching her how to close and open the door was hilarious! She has perfect hair, perfect skin, beautiful full lashes, red pouty lips, blushed cheeks, and fantastic legs. And she's not even two yet! All in all, I love her and I miss her.

That's a pretty comprehensive update. For the next little while, I'll blog maybe once a week just to let the routine of blogging grow on me again. Now I must check up on what else I've missed in the Livejournal world.

Later lovelies!
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